Jan. 1 1835 to Sep. 30 1835 - PTR, Vol. 1


lkxar, June :!0th 183:1.

Capt. .\nlonio Tenorio.

\h 1•:;lt'e111ccl friend - Du not fail lo communicalo whatt•rer 0 inll'lligml'e you may have. and whatever you may think prupt•r in rulalio11 lo the public af-foirs. in your ::1•dion of !hf! euunlry. 111 a ,ery short time, the affairs of Texas will be dl'l"iuitiwly S<'llled. for which purpose the Guvt~rnmenl has ordert>d lo takt> up the line of ~larch, a :;trong df!visiun composed of the lruups whil'h were in Zasalccas, and which are now in Saltillo. Take care of youself and command your friend, &c. S. Domingo de Ugartachea. P.S. Friend as the commandant General is not aequaint<>d with your coast lw does nut know that the soldiers will 1lie uf t'r,t'rs if they do not have mosquito bar~, for wanl of sleep. You will makr fur them, such as I had al Velasco, as iL is known the Culoni:;b are in \larch from Pecan point across the Colony. ~othing i:; heard hut God damn St. Anna. God damn l.'gartachea. The:;r~ RPn1lutionists will be ground down, and il appears Lo me wr shall ,·1-rv soon see each other, since Lhe Government takes their matins in hand.


I CHAMBERS to WILLIAMS I [Thoma:-; J. Chambers, Monclova, lo Samuel May Williams, June 21, rn:~:1. c:01wPrning Lhc state of affairs in Monclova wiLh regard lo Tn,a!-. j


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