Jan. 1 1835 to Sep. 30 1835 - PTR, Vol. 1

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12791 f MILLER to PUBLIC I

Chicftaincy of the Department of Brazos

Fellow Citizens

It has become my duty as chief of the Deparlmenl lo advise you of the critical situation in which you and your rights as freemen & as citizens of the stale of Coahuila & Tex,.-s are placer! by the usurpation of the Military that Garrison lhe towns of the three Eastern Stales. So far back as September of last year, they in conjunction with a faction al Saltillo overthrew the conslilulional authorities of the Stale and placed a military officer in the supreme execut ivc power of the slate as its Go\'ernor. In December last you were told by that officer that certain individuals had incurred the displeasure of the President General of the Republic and you were instructed not lo vole them as officers of the slate. As freemen & lovers of liberty and the rights guaranteed by a federal republican Government, you chose to exercise your suffrage freely & openly, you voted for Augustine Viesca as your Governor, your voles thus openly ancl manfully given called loudly upon that individual lo yield lo your wishes although he knew he would be driven from his office by the military force of the nations; he look the oath of office and entered upon its duties. He saw loo soon the clouds gathering around him and applied lo the legislature for permi:;sion lo eslahlish his government in some place of safely ere the storm burst in its violence upon him. Texas was hailed by him as that favored spot, its inhabitants had been born and nursed in the cradle of liberty, their bosoms expanclecl with the breath of freeman & their proud hearts spurned the ~;oke of military power. Permission was granted lo the Governor lo conw lo Texas: he gathered together the clocumenls of his office important lo the country and started, he was compdlt·d lo return lo i\londova because the military had declared he should not pa~ lo Texa:-. Persuaded that could he reach Tt'xas military ml<' and mi~rult• would fall paralized, he made an allcmpl lo I illq!il,lt•] tht• vigilance of the military and reach Tt•xas, li11t who l:a11 t~~l'apt• the hayoncts of a sa11g11i11ary soldicrasy he ha:- lict'n lakt•n and i:-


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