Jan. 1 1835 to Sep. 30 1835 - PTR, Vol. 1

Pa. «lidar a1pwllas provi1li-111:ias pr«-:-:isas 1·11 1:aso:-: 110 p r n·i:,;. los, p1w:-: mi llta) or sal isfacion sna qtw mi c·o11d11da 110 1lt-;,;a~radc· a \I.E. ii q11il'11 Ii- proll'sto 111i mas distin~uido rc·spl'lo l>ios )· Lilll'rtad :\-1 J1111io I H/W~S. I\·) 111. P«-rflo. de Cos. Exmo. Sr. Min_istru de la Guerra y l\forirra.


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l COS to uc;ARTECII EA 1· I Marlin Perfecto de Cos, Matamoros, lo Domi11go di' llgurlcchea, Bexar. .l111w I 9, I n:35. on military matters. I

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[ ll(;Al{TEC:IIEA lo COS I l Domingo cit: Ugartcclwa, Bc·xar. lo ~'larti11 Pcrl'ccto de Cos, Matamoros. June 19, iu:J!'i, rl'porli11~ thal I 00 wagon loads of goods han· been sent cla11dcsli11ch· tu New (\J.-xico. f

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The l\lilitary Commander of C:oahuila dn Tcxas,-to Captain Manuel Sahariq~o. Confidential, You will proceed with tltl' ~r<',tle:-;I promptitude and sccrc1:y, with 6 Lreaty men. lo St'«:tm' the person of Don Jose l\laria Carvajal, al I.he Tu\\ 11 uf CuadaltqJI', wlwrH'I' you will have him safrly conducted lo l.ipa11titla11. al th1• disposal of the Commanding Gt!ncral. God and Liberty. Bexar, J111w 20th, I B:J!i I i\larlin P1·rf1:du dt• Cos I

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