Jan. 1 1835 to Sep. 30 1835 - PTR, Vol. 1

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proll'slation:: of the highest con:-idl'ralion and cslt~t~m of your ohl.

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Nacogdoches ~lay 20th I B3S

L. C. Cunningham

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[Antonio Tenorio, Anahuac, lo Domingo de Ugartcchca, Bexar, ~lay 20, 1835, reporting the capture of two merchant vessels by tht' Moctezuma since they did not have proper papers, and declaring that continuance of this policy will retard illegal action by the colonists, but suggesting that he needs more troops to pre,·cn l an outbreak.]

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I Manuel R. Barragan, Guerrero, to Domingo de Ugarlechea, Bexar, May 21, 1835, promising to detain the Texas militia if it should pass through cnroute to Monclova.]



Deslilucion de los cmpleados de la Aduana de Galveston.

No. 303. Exmo. Sr. Ha arrivado a cslc puerto la Golcra de Guerra \loctezuma proccdcnte de Galveston, trayendo a su bore.lo dos ~mplcados de aquclla Aduna Marita, quc me manifcstaron haversc ·ctirado de sus destinos pr. estar ayi sin objcto alguno, mediantc a la ·esistcncia hccha pr. los colonos pa. pagat Loda clase c.le dcrcchos a · a Fedcracion. Mc han informado de otros alcntados comctidos pr. los


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