Jan. 1 1835 to Sep. 30 1835 - PTR, Vol. 1

mismus culonos: solJrc lodo csla acl11al1111c. for111andosc una al.wrigua1..:io11 ~11111aria 1..:011 11c kndrc cl honor de dar c111:11la a V.E. pa. q«~. csa s11pcrioridad sc sirva lomor en consideraciun las cin:u 111sla11cias en qe. sc haIla T«:xas, y die le las providcneias neecsarias a su rcmedio. Prutcslo de nucvo a V. E. mi dislinguida y respetuosa co11sidcraciu11. Divi. y Lbcrlau. Matamoros, Mayo 2J. de 1835. i\larlin Perfeclo de Cos Exmo. Sr. l\•Iinislro de la Guerra y Marina. J\'1cxico. [In margin: l Parlicipa la Ucgada a estc pucrlo de varios expleados de la Adua11a de Galvcslon pr los rnolivos quc cxprcsa.

iVIayo 21 /835.



San Felipe May 21st l8:~5

D. G. Burncl Esqr. My Dear Sir-

y our two lasl favors came lo hand yestrrda y; & they are now before m~. I was nol awan:, unlil I rcceiH~d yours of lhe 8th Inst. thal J. W. Moore had renewed proceedings agai11sl A. Hurd & Co., I do nol think that Lhc execulions issued from here, or I would have known of il. 1f Lhey were issued by the Comisario of Harrisburgh, you need nol feel alarmed aboul them, as they are null "ab initio," to use a favorite phrase of the pr<'senl Alcalde of Liberty. However, enclosed, I send you a 110k addressed lo J. \V. Moore, assuming Lhe amt. in Sixty days provided it does nol cx<'ccd S I blank J dollars which I presume will put I he mall er al rest. Y uu can use it, if you think proper, or withhold it as may suit yom purposes. The !illegible l J presume will I illegible I if nul, I rely upon you lo make some arrangement lo nwl'l it. You have heard of th«~ piracies l~ robbery!, f·o111111il !I'd by the dread Monlc,rnma upon tlw properly of our ciliz1•11s! It is too much lo have politically-it will nol L1· burn«·. Nuthi11g has l'H'r occurred, in Texas, since I have been lwrc, which has so effectivt'h· arrouscd the indignation & resentment of th,• "hol1· p1·ople. Tllt'r~· is nol a dissenting voice, as for as I know. in I his placl'. All, all, arC'

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