Jan. 1 1835 to Sep. 30 1835 - PTR, Vol. 1

for t'tlt'r!!l'lil' n·sistalll't' to the opprrs:-ion:-: of a G«)\ I. that :-e1·111s ddermi,;c•d to dl':-trov, lo erush & lo ruin 11:-. Y011 douLI l1•s:-: attrilrnlt· tlw:-t' tall· ,igressions to the 1111a11lhoriz1-~rl ,_H·h of the offirt'rs in l'OllllllatHI. Bl'lievc it not! Thev werl' authorized L, tlw cro,w1111w11t of ,1,•xil'o. I read in a No:· of the ~ol puLli:-h;·d in C' \h•xico. that a projel'I has been introduced in tlw Genl. Co11~n.!:-s lo free all slarcs in the R«·publie-to abolish the art ide of the• stale constitution of Coahuila y Texas, declaring eolonisls a:- l'it izens, .._'\_ abrogati11!! thal article of lhe Colonization Law which grants the righb of naturalized citizens as Colonists. Tlwse are alarming circumstanrcs. The law of the 6th of April is again to be rrncwcd-incleecl we stand or fall now by ourselves. I hope we may be united. Tlw political chief Dr. ~tiller reeommencls a conve11lion of thr wholt· prople, by mrans of delegates to devise measures of safcl\·-whal do mu think of it? · Austin l1as no hope of release. No doubt he is held as a check upon tht' people of Texas. Let them sacrifice him, if they dare. A thousand of their contemptible "red skins" shall be sacrificed to his :'fame. Please write me soon. I wish lo know your views. You may guess mine. I disguise them not. I have as· much to Jose by ·a revolution as most men in the country, yet, I wish to know, for whom I labor-whether for myself or a plundering, robbing, autocratical, aristocratical, jumbled up govt which is in fact no govt at all-one day a republic-one a fanatical heleord y, the nex L a military d1·spotis111-then a mixture of the evil qualities of all. There is no security for life, liberty, or properly. What shall we do'? How clothe people of Trinity, the Bay, feel on the subject'{ · As ever, Your friend W. Barrel Travis P.S. Present me kindly to l\ladam Burnet.

.!'. I




[Vicc~nte Arreola, Monclova, to Domingo de Ugartechea, Bexar, \lay 22, ]8:15, about military affairs in Coahuila. J


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