Jan. 1 1835 to Sep. 30 1835 - PTR, Vol. 1

yoi, will writ«~ soon al'lcr receiving this, and [ will assure you, tlw v1'.ry clay I. receive your next, I will answer ii; - I received a lcllcr from your son Nahan a few days since, <lated in August last, which affuarcd me great pleasure, I shall answer ii by this vessel; - I have received lwo from Rufus I.. Bruce, the last was dated in August last, but I did not gel ii unlill a few days si11ce; - I was pleased lo learn that he had taken lo himself a wife; I hope he may do wdl and prosper, I expect shortly to hear the same of Naham and Mary; - Sam! B. - declares Lhat he will not gel married unlill 111~ is worth 10 Thousand dollars, which r think is a good resolution; - I am glad to learn that my native place has improved so much; il must be a great comfort lo you lo have Aunt's Phelps & Susan lo converse with occaisionally; - in fact il is almost impossible lo keep pace with the changes which have taken place within the last 30 years amoung our relations, and acquaintances in the neighbourhood in which you reside; - Texas is 110 doubt the finest parl of North America, the emigration that has come in this last season is astonishing, the lime is nol far distant when Texas will become a wealthy and Populos country. Texas is about as large as the 3 largest slates of the North; pul together, and is divided into three departments The Dept. of Bexar, the Dept. of Nacadotches. and the Dept. of Brazos, the last named I live in; which is divided into seven Municipalities, (which are the same as Counties with you) I live in the i\'lunicipallity of Columbia, and in the Town of Columbia, which is the capital, or where the scat of juslis is held, the same as your County Court. - About 9 mos. since the first house was built in Columbia and is now quite a village. the jurisdiction of Columbia embraces about 50 miles square and is situated on the Gulph of Mexico, and is without doubt the best cotton country in the world; - the population of this Municipallily or jurisdiction is about 3000 of the mosl enterprising & respectable kind, there is some from every Stale in Lhc union but a large proportion are from the N. England stales. and I must say, they are an intelligent, and moral people, you will find in any part of Lhe ll.S. of the North; - have lwo sleame Boals in Lhc River Brazos, and 40 or 50 vessels trading lo the difforcnt ports of the U.S. - in fact there is nothing lhal can prevent this from being one of lhc best countries in the world. - the reason of my moving from 13razoris to this place, was in conseqtwncl' of bcin~ elected Alcalde, which means in )'Ollr laiwu,l"e J'tulirt• and I ~ C, C, t, .,

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