Jan. 1 1835 to Sep. 30 1835 - PTR, Vol. 1


l Marlin Pcrfodo ell' Cos, Matamoros, lo Domingo de Ugarlechea. Bexar, June 12, 18:35. reporting the am:sl of Vie"'<:a an<l hi:; party, who were cnroul<· lo Tt~xas lo 8lir up lroublc. J

I •I

[261] [MC KINNEY to S\'IYTI·JF, I

- Georgia 14 June 183.5

.\'Ir George W. Smythe D. Sir

As usual a day after the feast. Mr. Williams & myself reached here yesterday with all our families which we met at sea & were sorry lo find you had left and hop1~d lo see you here. We brought the Steam Boal Ydlow Stone lo the mouth of the river but we were unahlr lo cros..; the liar she is 146. Tons burden loo large for this Riv<~r our small Boal having bc1~n out of r~pair we were compelled lo bring thi:,; on<~ Llw olh<~r Boal will run over the liar loaded & will b1! serviceble lo this section of country. I hope you will find lime lo come lo Quintana & sec us wh1~n you return lo this place & consumale such arrangements about business as you may have in contemplation. l\'ly ever rnernorahlt~friend :\Ir. Grigsby informs me you have a disposition in that way my best wishes lo Mrs S & believe nw as ever Thus F McKinney


I BtAN to UCAHTECHEA I l Pedro Ellis Bean, Nacogdoches, lo Domingo de Ugarlt'ehca, Bexar, June 13, I 83;), reporting thal a few land speculators art• there hut that most of th1: p<!ople will support the go,wnmcnl. j


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