Jan. 1 1835 to Sep. 30 1835 - PTR, Vol. 1

bn oml thl' n·al'h of m, , i••ilann·. and that lw "011111 lw able,, ith • • e mun· fn·l'dom. to light up ,11ww thl' ,·i, ii war. for thi:- objcl"I he sd out for Tl':-.a::. 1,·a,·ing \london1 1.:la11d1•::tinly in 1:on1pa11y with ::ix pi•r:-:on:5. more. taking ::okly I ilkgibll" J to amid Ut'ing dis,·overt'.d b,· tlw lion of Garri::on:: wh1·n· I ha,·t• already a11licipalt'cl ord1•rs . . not lo p1•rmit him lo pa:::: into tlw fronlin. lwca11sc ii wa:; beyond a clout that arri,·in11 that lw would movt' lho:,c 1ww inhahil,mls e again::! tlw Supn·me Gon•rn1m·nl. and would ereal1· evil, of much magnitud1· lo lhr nation. The vigilance of the military commmHlanb, la:::t prol'urrl'd the arrest of the bcfore•mcnlioned \Ir. Vie::l'a. who wa:: on an out or llw way road in the vicinity of lhl' town of ~aha, a village a few miles from San Ft>rnando. l have urdm~<l him lo be ::cnl lo the Stale of New Leon, whnc he will n·main al the disposition of the supreme Government of the l'nion. who will with ils notorious impartiality ddiver him over lo llw tribunal:;, that havr lo inve::tigale his conduct mid dispose of hi:i pn::011 . .-\:- by this measure clil:tal1•d under the force of my duly, as 1hr rrspo11::ible person for the quietude and public peac,~: the stale lo whil-h that dcparlnwnt belongs is completely without a head in a:-; much as the Legi:-;lalure is in recess, il has appeared to me proprr to excite the zeal and patriotism of your honor in order that until the General Government determines as it should be appointment of new authorities, you take special care of the .-\clminislralion and interior order of tht> Department under your chargl'. without making any innovations whalever, subjt!cl yourself to llw laws of the Stale, as granled Lo you. Neverlheless your honor will dictate such measures as are in powt•r lo prevent under any cin.:um-:tances a disturbance of the tranquility of the D1·parlmcnl placing yourself for this purpose in communication with the nearest ~lilitary Chirf who will afford you every as-. i~lan1:e . I do not <loubl that your honor will co-operate in maintaining these towns in order, and admit the prol1:slalions of my t>:-lcr.111. God and Liberty.

Marlin Perfecto <le Cos.

.\lalamora:-, June 12th, 183.5. To tlw Politic:al Chief of the Oeparlmc:nl of 13razos.

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