Jan. 1 1835 to Sep. 30 1835 - PTR, Vol. 1

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nation, lhal body has a right lo alter and reform the Constitution &c. &c. The Stale Conl!rcss has passed a de1·reP, agreeably lo your suggestion, for the appointmenl by Govt of three Commissioners for Tcxm;, lo decide on all disputed land Lilies &c A decn·c, restoring Lh,~ upper colony lo Austin and Williams, wilh a clause, rcspecling Lhe righls of those who le:,!all~· acquired land<. under RolH~rlson &c, &c. A decree, for the appoinlmcnt of an acldilional commissioner to put Lhc loose families in Lhe Department of Nacogdoches in possession of their lands &c- A decree, rdalivc to Estrnys-providing a short melhod of having animals appraised by two persons appointed by the Alcalde, and sold in Lhree months if nol proven away hefore &c, &c. A decree, declaring that in future, Empresarios shall receive no fees whatever from Settlers, not inlroduced at Lheir expences &c- A decree, authorizing Jose Maria Carvajal lo publish all the decrees of the Stale Congn~ss since the adoption of the Constitution in English and Spanish, and to have the exclusive privilege of selling Lhem for six years al S2.50 per vol of 200 pages This Digesl when published will be authentic and will have the same force as such works do in Lhe N. Stales- This will not prevent our friends from publishing their works, which I, hope Lhey will issue as soon as possible-Tell Waler lo come up and I will help him, for a week- They allempted lo remove the Slate govl lo Rcxar, but failed-and the govr. and other officers have returned to Monclova- William, Johnson and Peebles are detained in San Antonio by order of the Commandt. Genl. on a charge of promoting a Revolution, in the Stale- But no fears are entertained but that they will be released-soon. Please submit lo the Editor a Sketch of the foregoing laws, in your handwriting and let him publish it as it will doub[t] less be inleresting lo Lhe public in General- My friend, do wrile me, all the news in your sel'tiou-and give me your views of our present silualion &c- l.cl us wait with patience, the issue of things- the time will come when we shall be called upon lo act. Tell my friend J. A. Wharton, that I recd. his lt'llcr, but have though f tJ it prudent, not lo tak,~ the l'Onfession of J udgt.





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