Jan. 1 1835 to Sep. 30 1835 - PTR, Vol. 1


me lraigan. ::in q. hla, ahora descll' aqudla fha. halla venido de aqudlas l"olonia:: qt1il'11 pueda dar alg1111a nolicia." Tt'll)!O 1·1 honor de clccirlo a V. E. para su superior conol'to. proleslandoll' al mismo liempo mi respclo y co11siclern c io11 Dios y Lilwrlacl Boca del rio bravo Junio 9. de l.835. ~lln. Perl'lo. de Cos.- ES. J\linistro d,· la Guerra y Marina.-


[COS to UGARTECHEA I [J\lartin Pcrfeclo de Cos, Boca de! Rio Bravo, lo Domingo de Ugartcchca, Bexar, June 9, 1835, declaring that the additional troops that he is sending lo Texas will change the citizen's altitude of opposition lo the government.]



[Marlin Pcrfeclo de Cos, Boca del Rio Bravo, to Domingo de Ugartechca, Bexar, June 9, 1835, reporting that he has taken steps lo secure a flag for the troops on the coast.}



San Felipe June 9th 1835

Hon. Henry Smith

Dear Sir-I have not lime lo write you fully, but as the mail has just come in l feel, that 1 would he neglec ting you not lo give you an epitome of the news- Aust in has been released under the general amnesty Law, ans writes !hat he was lo leave l\lexico on the 2:>lh May for Texas. The general Congress has declared, that by the will of the


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