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[Antonio Tenorio, Anahuac, lo Domingo de Ugarlcchca, Bexar, \lay 30, 1835, about the deslressing lack of funds for support of his Arrnluwc clctachmenL. I
[A. del ~!oral, Medina, Lo Domingo de Ugartechea, Bexar. May 31, 1835, reporting seeing two Americans, a Negro, and several ~lexicans enroule lo San Felipe, after having received a verbal order from one of Ugarleehea's soldiers for pcrmilling their passage, and warning that Stephen F. Austin and Juan Galan are reported to be on their way to Bexar. j
[Angel Navarro, Bexar, lo Sccrc tarv of the Governor, Monclova, ~lay 31, 1835, concerning the Con{anche Indians and their trade in stolen horses.]
[Juan Zenteno, Goliad, to Domingo de Ugartechca, Bexar, May 3 I, 1835, reporting that he cannot collect government du ties unless he is f urnishcd more troops. I
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