Jan. 1 1835 to Sep. 30 1835 - PTR, Vol. 1

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Los asunl~s de Texas prcscnlan hoy un aspcclo haslante scrio, y como e11l 1emle quc sobre esla intercsanlc malcria podran ser las urclcncs qc. V.E. ofrccc comunicarmc, me he rcsucll u a hacer t·sta barnrnciun pr. lo quc rcspcta al refcridu Batn. Morelos. Ruego a V.E. se sirva inclinar al E.S. Presidenle a que apruc~vc mi conducla, quc no llcva mas obgelo qc. d Lien clcl servo. pubco., admilicndo enlre lanto las proteslas de mi dislinguida respclo y particular considcracion.- Dios y Liherlad Matamoros Mayo 29. de H335.- Mtn. Perflo de Cos. Exmo Sr Ministro de la Guerra y Marina.- Mexico



[Manud R. Barragan, Guerrero, lo Domingo de Ugarlechea, Bexar, i\'lay 30, l835, reporting that the governor plans to return lo Monclova lo avoid bloodshed since the military authorities accused him of planning to go to Texas to stir up revolution, and slating that Williams has promised to allay the troubles in Tex<U;. J



[ Martin Perfecto de Cos, Matamoros, lo Domingo de Ugartechea, ·Bexar, May 30, 1835, reporting arrangements for sending additionaJ troops to Texas and instructing him to preserve order until the forces have arrivcd.J


[Antonio Gil Hernandez, Galveston, to Domingo de Ugartechca. Bexar, May 30, 1835, reporting that he cannot colll'ct duties because he has no soldiers and cannot follow contraband tratlt-rs because he has no boat. I


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