Jan. 1 1835 to Sep. 30 1835 - PTR, Vol. 1

purl unless the collcclion is also equally ,:nforc:cd throughout the pruviru:c:, nor 1111Lil tlie11 will we pay any duties on importations into this port. Resolved, Thal these proceedings be signed liy Llie Chairman und St'.crelary and thal copies he forwarded lo the Judi!e of the first inslanee, lo the Editor of the Texas Repulilican, to Don Jose Go11zal1-:z, and lo the Political Chief or the Department, to lw sent hy him lo the Governor. 1. N. l\fordancl.


jCOAHUlLTEXANUS TO TI-IE PUBLlCI I Coahuil texanus, Monclova, to the Texas Public, l\lay 4, IB35, condemning Santa Anna and the Centralists for overthrowing the frderal system. I



Committee Room Nacogdoches, May 4th 1835 We hereby cerlify that Mr. W. B. F. Gainr.s has h<"en actively engaged, during the late panic and disturbances of Lhis quarter, in carrying expresses and al all time~ exerting himsdf lo restore order and tranquility. [Committee of Vigilanc1-: and Safety 1


l Domingo d1~ Ugartechea, Bexar, to Martin Perfecto de Col-, Matamoros, May 4, L835, transmitting a list of vessels entt-ring anti leaving Galv1:ston in February and March.]


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