Jan. 1 1835 to Sep. 30 1835 - PTR, Vol. 1

rc·quin·d lhc111 lo go l,,ll'k lo the pn1ple· for new power:-. still Co11~n~1-s has not hc::-ilalcd lo 1111dc:rlake· ii,(.~ i11 fad u,w 111e:mhc:r of lh<' C:0111111ilke: I illcgilile · I tlw matter I ill c!!ilill' I dcc:larcd lhal lite Rdigio11 , & privikdg<'d c:lasscs r<'cognizcd by the Compad was the 011ly part of it lhal ought lo remain.- The: Legislature of this Stall' alarme:d al lhc: strides taken Ly Co11gn:ss relalivt: lo n·furm mid fearing that tlwsc might lw construed into Cu11s1-:nl, have rc:prc:- iwnlcd lo f:ongrcs:- that this Stal.c will 1101 sa11c:lio11 any reform made Ly the: present Congn·ss Conlran lo the f:onslilulio11. The: Exc:culivc: and Legislative branches of this Stale: Govl arc I illcgihlc-: 1 and good , unl'orl 111wtdy both poor and weak, in men and mo11c:y but rich in ho11c:sl i11lcnliuns and arc dckrn1incd that the honour of Lilwrly shall rn:vc:r l,c furled in it, if it can Le prc:scnle~d: llwy an· ·,101 with disposes, (l111l have by several favorable h1ws manifested thal disposition) lo favor Texas, but arc~ anxious to hind its inhabitants lo them, by tlw only lies that ca11 be laslin~- the lies of Common inlcrcsl·, Connn.on focling. and Common prolcc:lion. They look towards Tc:xas, an an Sider brother capable of sustaining them against the machinations and power of the G,:nl Govl. Thc:y look upon its inhahilanls as made up of Ilic I illc:gil,lc 1 of me11 whose lungs were never i11flale:d with the al mosphcrc of a land of slavery, ancl whose heads havc: never bowed hdorc: a Tyrants nor a I illcgibl,: I - Th,~y look upon Lhc:m as capable of giving lo thcEaglc of Liberty an asylum driving her lrouLlcs, and in a proper Lime sending her back tu Ihe rc~st in vidory and triumph. They have made a call upon you for a frw men lo protect the Govt from military opprcssio11 a11d outrage· tlwy hm·c~ flall erf' d our pride hy their [ ill<:gible : I that '.WO nic:n from TC'xa-. will he of morn service than lreblc• llw nu 111 lwr from ol lwr pl:tl'C:-. I hop<' all will he willing lo assist in this mrn;l I ill<-giblc· I struggle-, but a small fon'.<'. is necessary, ycl tlw clisposilion may lw ma11if1·slc'd. And tlws<~who have in flucncc should ww it in sli11111lal ing: a turn out of al kasl J SO from our Department. The Govt will pa)-llll'm in land. Let ml' inlreal you as one of tlw Palriard1::; lo 11s1· )•our influ<·m·e. Johnson will add a pllq~ihk I lo this. lkggin~ you lo acTe·pt my best wislws for your health and happiness, I am lruly yom fric•ml Obt ~<~rvant Capt Wyly Marlin S.1mtwl W. Williams



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