The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume V



mate officer of the government, by usurping, contrary to all notions of order and good government, the right of publicly and formally in- structing and advising the governor, and the people, on political, civil and institutional matters subject. :Moreover, that a particular individ- ual has gone so far as to issue a proclamation on the State of public affairs, and to invite volunteers to join him as the commander of the 11atamoros Expedition, when that particular individual must have known that General Houston the commander in Chief of all the land forces in the service of Texas, has been ordered by the government to take command of that expedition. This particular individual is also fully aware, that all officers under the commander in chief are elected by the volunteers themseh·es, and that therefore-there was neither room nor necessity for another appointment by the council. Still, in the possession of these facts, he has issued his proclamation, and con- tinu~s to aid all those who are embarrassing the executive. Therefore, be it Resolved 1st That we will support his Excellency Governor Smith in his unyielding and patriotic efforts to fulfill the duties, and to pre- serve the dignity of his office, while promoting the best interests of the country and people~ against all usurpations and the designs of selfish and interested individuals. · Resolved 2nd.- That all attempts of the president and members of the Executive council, to annul the acts of, or to embarrass the officer appointed by the general convention, are deemed by this meeting, as anarchical assumptions of power to which we will not submit. Resolved 3rd That we invite a similar expression of sentiment from the army under Gen! Houston, and throughout the country generally. Resolved 4th That the conduct of the president and members of the Executive council in relation to the FrvE HUNDRED DOLLAR LOAN, for the liquidation of the claims of the soldiers at Bexar is in the highest degree rriminal and unjust: Yet under treatment however illiberal and ungrateful, we cannot be driven from the post of Honor and the sacred cause of freedom. Resolved 5th. That we do not recognise the illegal appointments of agents and officers, made by the president and members of the Execu- tive Council in relation to the Matamoros Expedition; since their power does not extend further than to take measures and to make appoint- ments for the public service with the sanction of the governor. Resolved 6th That the Governor Henry Smith will please to ac- cept the gratitude of the army at this Station, for his firmness in the execution of his trust, as well as for his vatriotic exertions in our behalf. Resolved 7th That the Editors of the Brazoria Gazett~, the Nacog- doches Telegraph, and the San Felipe Telegraph he requested, and they are hereby requested to publish the procedii; 6 s of this meeting. Bexar. January. 26th. 1836. Signe<l j, C. NEILL Prs H J WILLIAMSON Scty [ Acldreesed:] Ed. of Brazoria Gazette (or Texas Republican) Bra- zoria Texas

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