The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume V



wi<lely different that they are incapable of supplying us with a gover- ment, aclobted to our situation or genious of the people. I must ob- serve however that upon the score of Local Government. we get along very well ·there is such. an identy of Interest. here that the will of the people. form a government which I conceive to he perfectly safe and while this is the case (and belev it will not be otherwise) we have nothing to fear- the Mexican. population is Entirely sepperateed from the N. American people in Texas except, about the Town of Nacog- doches. this Town is upon some of the Waters of Naches; East of the Trinity River about Sixty-Miles West of the usual Crossing of the Sabine via. of Fort Jasep. in Louisiana- ! am Dear [Sir] With Sentiments of esteem and high Regard Your friend J.P. COLE P S. please excuse my bad gramer and topical errors. as I fear you will find ma[n]y. I am so nearly blind with sore eyes. that I can scarcely see my pen- [Endorsed:] Notes on Texas by Col. Cole No. 245. PHILIP DIMITT TO STEPHEN F. AUSTIN Fort of Goliad, Oct. 17th. 1835. 11 in the morning- To Gen. S. F. AUSTIN, Com. in ch. of the Army of the People, Dn. Sm, I have this day dispatched Capt. Alley with his comp'y; to convoy ammunition and provisions to Cleto, where Capt. Eberly's command is now stationed. Capt. E. is instructed to proceed with his comp'y, iu charge of the supplies, now in ch. of Capt. A., to Head Quarters; and the latter is ordered to occupy the position now held by Eberly, and to unite their exertions to form, and keep up a regular line of communication between Head Quarters and this post. I am using all dilligence to repair this fort, and prepare for defence. Much has already been done in this way, and in that of repairing arms- but much is yet undone. I am doing as fast, and as much as I can. There are now three Smiths employed in repairing arms, and we are getting 100 pike handles made for the points and bayonets found in the mag- azine. We are also acth·ely employed in removing within the walls of the church, the flour, sugar, coffee, spirits, wine, &c, &c., found out- side the fort, and claimed by individuals. I have now only 50 men left to hold this post, defend it in case of attack, protect the Town, and cover the surrounding country. These have. now been on almost incessant fatigue for the last 10 days. It is rumoured that aoo men are daily expected to land at Copano- Should this prove real instruct me how to act. It is also rumored that the people of St. Patricio haYe joined the military at the Nueces. I shall <lo all in my power to guarcl the coast, and hnve given orders accordingly. I am, however, credibly informed, thnt, there is now, neither pilot, nor pilot Boat at Copano- and if there he a boat there, it is 011 our side the cause.-

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