PAPERS OF nfIRAUEAU BUONAPAllTE LA;\IAR 81 No. 225. WILLIAU BARRETT TRAVIS TO HENRY SMITH OR JOHN A. WHARTON H. SMITH Esqr DEAn Sin- After the foregoing 13 please let the Document.-:;, accom- panying this p~per I sent to you before be published in full as they can better exhibit my motives than a volume from me- )lake any alterations you please consistently with the facts- Please send up the hand Bills by the 12th of the month- I also send an advertise- ment signed by Williamson, Baker, Johnson & myself relati\'e to [mutilated] who denounced us- Please have [it] published by all means in the paper [and] Hand Bill- & send it up by the 12th- Your friend
TRAVIS [Rubric]
San Felipe 1st Sept- [1835]
[Addressed:] Henry Smith Esqr or John A Wharton Esq Columbia
[Coles' Settlement? Texas] 3rd· September 1835
DEL\It Sm in attempting to give you some Idea, (I will <lescrib so far as time will permit). the moost prominant features. of this inter- esting Country. The Noaces. or Nut River is the Southwest boundary of Texas in takeing a View of the Country to the N- East. from the mouth of this river a long the Coast. Including the rivers Sanantonia Warloope Labacca Colerada Pernardo Brazos- Sanjacinto & Trinity- all of which Streams run into the Gulph of Mexico. between the Noaces. and Sabine River which last. is the boundarv line between Texas. and Louisanna, Texas fronts upon the Cea Coast. about six hundred Miles there is very little Marsh upon this Coast and ·insteecl the Land in ma[n]y "places is high and Dry several of the stream. which I have mentioned mouth into the Gulph. forming no bay. (others run into Mategordia and Galveston bays, the Brazos-River discharges itself. into the Gulph at about an equeal distance. between the two bays. which I have mentioned this is the Largest and longest Hi,·er in Texas. and is likely to be the Moast usefull for Navigation this river is near the Center of Texas. from East to West. Velasco. is at the mouth of the Brazos. Brazoria is on the Bank of this river twenty fiv miles above Velasco. Columbia is Ten :Miles from Brnzoria two miles West from the Bank of the River in the Peririe. the Barnard a Stream which I han• before mentioned is only two or thrC'e ?ililes from Colum- bia. from then<'e it runs a southwest. course to the Gulph Sanfilipe cle Austin the Capitol of Austins Colony. is 011 th(' West Bnnk of thl' Brazos. Rnn one hundred ~file;, from Its. :Mouth into tlw Oulph of M e:i-ico. this 'I'own is nnd hai:: heen the Residence of Col- St('phen F Austin. Since 1823.-the land upon the Brmms-nnd pnrticular by the Bottom Lnnd. if: perhaps. ai:: Rich H!: any Lane!. in this or any 13 This refer,; to his stntemcnt •·To the l'11blic" gh·ing his motin•« for tnkin!{ pnrt in the expedition against Anah111u· t·alendered in thl' T.nmnr Paper,;. No. 224. and printe,I in the Q11art1•rly of thl' Texns Rtnte H istoricnl .As,;ociation, JV, 202.
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