'rhe )lexican:; in fact are of an inferior race, :i\foorish, ~pani!::h, Indian and negro blood comhine>tl. Uen. 'I'oledo told the writer of the article, that with 2000 such men a:-: he romm.11Hled at Sun Antonio, he woul1l readily make the conque>:;t of )lexieo.
No. 212. 'l'HE 'l'EXA~ HEPUBLJCAN 1 .:!
[New;:paper dipping.] Brazoria (Texas] July 25, 1835 From the N. 0. Bulletin The schooner Cnndord arrived yesterday in 9 days from Vera Cruz, ancl brought papers ot' that place of the 12th inst. They contain intelligence> of a romplete change in the form of Gov- ernment of )[exico- changing th<' federal republic of the States to a central consolidated government, o,·er which Santa. Anna is recog- nized as the head or supreme chief ol' t.he nation. The change commenced in Tohwa, the ehicf city of the state of :i\lexico, whencr the plan was :,ent to the geucral goYernment; and dii;seminatell thro· t•ach and cYery state.- It has been adopted in e,-ery part of the :-:tate of )Iexico; and in mo!it of the other states- e,·en thosr that had prnrniuently adopted the phm of 'fl'xca; particu- larly Zacateeas. 1'hi:-: plan of Tolura appe>ars to have emanated from Santa Anna, and its adoption in Yarious states of the :Mexican republic to have been pre>meditatr,I so that there appears little doubt of its being genernlly i;:upportcd and ultimately s11<·cessful. The prominent fentures o[ tll(I plan arc to establish a popular rep- rese>ntative an,1 central ~oyernment: the (•011:-:ti tntion of which is to he hai;:ed on the exclusi,·e acknowledgment of the Catholic religion; 011 the independence of the nation in the integrity of its actual territory, on the proportionate ,lirision of the powers of the government; and on the> constitutional freedom of the press Snuta Anna is recognisrd as Presirlent alHl Supreme Chief of the nation: and as protector of its laws freely enacted. 'I'ht• pn•,-ent authoritie;: not opposin~ the plan of 'l'oluea, an• to 1·untinue in office. till Congres;: :-hall organize• a g<wernment on the principles imlil'ate>1l. and thi:- i;: tu hr l'ffef'lccl a:- ,-0011 a:-: pos;:ihlP. We are in1lehte1l to Captain ~far:::h, of the brig .\jax, for Cnmpeach.,· papers to the 2id June: they C'ontain nothi11g new from )Iexico. The people of Lerma hy a rnte of tht• A~·1111tamiento have pasf:e<l Thr fol- lowing- rernlutions :- 1st. 'That the ~y;:tem ot' Fe1lernl repuhli<':-: whid1 exii.:t at prei;cnt :-:!;all be supercrcle1l by the central. popular, n•prl'::entatiYe form. a:-: more 1:on1hwirr to the happine>::s of the nation. [ lncomplete·I
"Xo~. :!Oil. 201l, and 210 an• in thi~ 1·lippi111,! from th1• '/'1•xus Rcp11l1lican.
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