Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar
No. 4. AB"IA BROWN TO MAR.IA BRO\VN 1 Letter from Stephen F. Austins Grand Father,
I Copy ·I
"New 1'own, Sussex County July 15th 1780.
DEAH DAUGHTF.R I HL•1·d _your~ by ,John Keys a11<1 am Exceedingly pleased to hear of you and your Brothen: and Sisters being well. I am also much pleased my Dear Daughter that you \\"rite to me, being the first Letter, but pray Dun't let it be the last- as to its being badly Wrote _you are ,·cry Excusable. I hope my Dear Child that you Improve e\'ery Op- portm1ity i11 Regim1 to Education. I am Anxious for your I-Iappi- 11e:-::- Hll(I nm in hopes that your own Prudence will pre,·ent you from Ru11J1i11g too much into the Fashions and follys of this World. Re- llH'mber my Dear Chile! that one Vice brings on another, an<l the more a Youllg Person gin's way to them, the worse they want to. You live with an Excelle11t \\'oman, whose advices will be worthy your Attentioll, as I am well persuaded she seeks your Happiness, I am pleased that you are got to a Writing School and hope you'll Improve it- I long to see you all; I believe I shall be ill Town in a Week or 10 Day:,-give my love to J\[r and )[rs Fuller, Mr & Miss Fisher and all Friends. .I Hemain Dear child Your T.od11~ Father AnIA Bnowx Benjamin Fuller Philadelphia. 1.-\dcleil hy Lamar :·I The above Letter is from the Father of Mrs. :\fo:-:c>:-Austin-her name was brown before she married Austin-Fuller was a gentleman who raised ~liss Brown (afterwards Austin) after her father'R death Ahia Brown placed his daughter :\lary at school in Phil. l,oarcling her with Renj. Fuller- hence the middle name of Gen'l. Austi11-Stephen Fuller .Austin. 1 T11 No. 3. page 12. This document. which Lamar copied from the "Am~tin Papers." 1·onsists of 11. numher of letters. extracts of letters. notes, etc., which, with a few exceptioni-. have been published in Harker. E. C' .. The :lusfi11 Pa.7wr.~. in Annual Rrpol't of the American Historical Association, 1019. I l. The omitted letters are published in this ,·olume. A note added to number thn•e under the heading. ")[r,., Lon~. fond of i,porth·e mischief." tells the following story: "Dining in <·omp1rny with Bur- net-she brought in [andl lnid before his pln.te, 11. nice dcli<·a1·~• as :-he callt•d it. llunll't reed. it saying. \\"ell 1 nlwayi- knew ~·ou WC'rC' my friend; l doubt not this i;:; some fine pound <·ake. He carefully placed the roll of paper in the form of n small pie before his place. and deliberately unfolding it, n little •,.nnke rea[r]cd up his t·rest. and darting out hi;:; tonJ!Ul' ns mul'h a,. to sny what do you mean! The ~ucst started one wa~• & the n•ptile another, to the mutual terror & precipitation of both"
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