P.\l'ERS OF }flH.\':E.\t: BU0NAPAHTE LA".\UR
certain 1111rpu::es. I need make no further suggestion.s to one so capable of managing the cause to advantage- I am told that in l\lr Wrightman we ha\'c a wiley adversary- There is war & rumor or wars in the Interior- I refer you to my IC'tter to D. \\'. Anthony Esqr- on that subject as I have written him Ht large-your friend- W. BAnnET TRAVIS [Rubric] [Addrcssed:l 0. H. Allen Esqr. in Brazoria. No. 170. STEPHEN F. AUSTIN TO THE AYUNTA:i\rIENTO OF SAN FELIPE l\fexico October 16th. 1833- Since my last of the 2nd instant there has been a favorable change in the appear(l.nce of things in this quarter The cholera & the revolution totally paralize every kind of business since July las the former has nearly disappeared from this City tho it is dreadful at this time in Puebla Vera Cruz, and other parts of the Country- The revolution is considered to be at au encl, for the prese11t at least, by the surrender of Arista to Santa Anna on the 7 Inst. so that there is no\\' some hopes of doing something- The State ques- tion & the law of the 6th. April 1830. have been before Congress, since the beginning of August last, but there were no Sessions until within a short time since- The committee on the April law have reported in favor of its repeal, and tomorrow is designated for its discussion- in the Chamber of Deputies- I am of opinion it will be repealed.- tho one week more wi II decide the matter- I expect General Antonio )fexia in a few clays- he is a senator- Stands high with the democratic party-is decided in favour of mak- ing a State of Texas- Zamia arrived in the City only a few days since, and took his seat in Congress-he is also in favor of the state- so that I have rriore hopes than when I wrote on the 2nd. inst I must however i-ay that I am still doubtful as to the result, and have therefore repeated the opinion I expresse<l in my letter to the Ayuntamiento of the second inst that they ought to Communicate with each other ancl harmonise so as to organize a. local go,·ernment, under the law of i'\f ay 182-l as it was known that Congress refused its approbation- I enclose an exact copy of my letter to the .Ayuntamientos on the subject Congress are reforming every thing, or rather they have commenced since the defeat of Arista The ar111_11- reli_qio11 the tariff arc all now under discussion- Toleration is openly acl\'ocated- also the clisba11d- ing of the whole army, and a new Organization of the )[ilitin- Thc de rent of Arista, hae: mad<' a great change, and I thing rsic l n ver_y favorable 011e- Respec·tfolly yr most Oht S. P. AusT1:-: I Huhric·I To the ,\ym1to. of .\u::-tin C'opy I E11clorH•;I :·] LNtPr of s F .:\11,:ti11 ~lexieo Oc-tr lu, lftl:I
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