prised at this; and should like to know if this :i\f r. Santa Anna is not the_same person wh? travelled through this country to Louisiana a few years sinc:c as a private gentlernan, iu the suite of Col. Almonte now ~I inister to the United States under the name of "Col. Lopez?" 'If it be the same honest . hear~ed and grateful gentleman that was shying about here at .that hme, it may afford him pleasure to know that this is the same :Mr. Houston with whom he formed some trifling acquain- tance about eight years ago, clown somewhere near the mouth of Buffalo Bayou or San Jacinto. He has been some times called by gentlemen in "particular circumstances," the "Wellington of the North:" but we belie,·e he prefers and is better.known in Texas by the name of Sam. Houston. Xo. 2172. WILI1IAM T. AUSTIN TO THE EDITOR OF-•~ Messers EDITORS I notice in the national Vindicator of the 20th Ultimo, a request that you will tell him where Genl Burleson was at the Storming of San Antouio: Having served in the Volunteer Army of Texas as Aid de Camp to the Commander in Chief througho~t the Campaign of 1835, the facts connected with the operations of that Army are fully known to me, besides which, having the origional Camp records of the Comr in Chief of that .Army in my possession, have it in my power to give any proper information connected therewith. And in order that no in- justice shall be done Genl Burleson at this time, I have felt it my duty to furnish you a statement of facts so far as this brave and gallant man is concerned- On the 24th day of November 1835, "Genl Stephen F Austin" Comr in Chief of the Volunteer Army of Texas," called a parade of the Army, for the purpose of ascertaining how many volunteers would remain before San Antonio as a permanent force, under a Comr in Chief to be elected by themselves- Genl Austin having been called by the con- vention to proceed immediately to San Felipe, to go to the United States as a commissioner. On putting the question to the line four hundred and five (405) men turned out and pledged themselves to remain- A roll of them was furnished by ~ach Captain, which is now in my possession. On the same dav an election was held in each captains company for Comr in Chief, iione being allowed to vote but those who were pleclgecl to remain. Genl Burleson having served throughout the campaign as Colonel of the regiment, he had so completely gained tl~e co1~f1dence and won the affections of that Army, he was elected Comr m Clue£ thereof, without opposition, as appears by the cnmp records of Genl Austin which are in my possession- Genl Burleson proceeded at once to organize the Army in two divisions and put it in a condition for active and immediate operations- This beinu accomplishc>d nn order was issued to Storm San Antonio- b On receipt of this orcler Col Sublet & .Majr Morris who Wl'l'e the im- mediate commanders of the two divisions of the Army, reported to the Comr in Chief, that a majority of the officers & mc>n comprising their - 0 In No. 21 ;s, pp. 20-32.
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