The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume V



Septr. 18-19- Storm at Galvezton- Septr. 11th Genl. Woll with 1000 men enter San Antonio, takes between 50 & 60 of the citizens prisoners- 17th. Battle of the Salado; Col. Matthew Cal<lwell defeats the :Mex- icans & drives them back. The traitor S.eguin with a party of l\Iexicans surround Dawson's com- pany of Volunteers & altho they had surrendered, cut them to pieces Genl. Woll retreats with his wounded after another fight with the Texans in which Capt. Hays & his party distinguish themselves-- Santana threatens Texas, by land & sea- Octr. 4 Steamer :Merchant wrecked on Raebon Isld and 8 lives lost- Novr. 1842 :Mexico sends a large force against Yucatan- Supposed-loss of the Schooner of War San Antonio Deer.. Emigrants arrive from Hamburg 1843 January arrival of 117 Emigrants from France- Introduction of grape vines from France- · [Endorsed:] Chronological notes compiled by Mr. A. F

No. 2170a. C. G. BRYANT TO LMIAR

[Printed] DEAR Sm-

Head Quarters Galveston Volunteer Battalion, Camp at Saccharapp, April 18, 18-14.

The pleasure of your company is respectf-ully requested at the E11r campment, at Saccharapp, to-morrow at 3 o'clock, P. M., to meet a soldier's greeting, and partake of soldiers' fare. C. G. BRYANT Major Commanding.

Countersign, Sanjacinto Parole, Lone Star. [Addressed:] Gen l\L B. Lamar Present


[Newspaper Clipping] Houston, :May 10, 18-H We have seldom felt greater satisfaction than we now do in laJing ~efore_the public the instructions given to .Messrs Hockley and Wil_li~rus m their recent mission to l\f exico, to. arrange the terms of an Arm1stice. It not only removes all doubt that they bad not authority to compro- mise the integrity of our territorial limits, but it further proves that !lo such. question could be properly brought into discussion unde_r t~eir mstruchons, any more than the equally unauthorized one of cons1dermg Texas as a "Department" of l\Iexico. We also publish n copy of tlw agreement for an Armistice submitted by our Commissioners a~d ngrt'ed upon by both parties, with the exception of a single point; which would undoubtedly haYe been carried out and confirmed but for the move- ments on the part of the United States in favor of annexation, a!1d the assent given to them by our own Con(J'ress. We do not feel n deme to cast reproach upon those members of Congress who sent in their ncll~esion to the American government in such "hot haste," for we he!1eve they were sincerely in favor of annexation? and were not. at the f.hmel sensible that they were taking the most likely course to _defeat it. We understand from the Commissioners that as soon ns 1t was

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