The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume V



16- President & Cabinet removes to Houston 17-Texan Schooner Independence is captured by two Brigs; Capt. Wheelwright badly wounded- Mexican prisoners in Texas liberated by the president- May First specimen of silk produced under the Care of Mrs Thompson ,of St Augustine from 4000 worms. 1837. August 27. Brutus & Invincible, after a cruize, having cap- tured sh prizes return to Galvezton- 8chooner Invincible Capt. Thompson beats off two mexican Brigs near Galvezton, ·but is lost entering the port- Capt. Thompson died .soon after, much lamented & followed by numerous train at his funeral- N ovr. 1. 1837. Comodore Thompson died at Houston- Novr. 4th Captive Texans released by Bustamenta- lOth Sanguinary engagemt with the Indians at the head of the Trin- ity 11th Walter C White died at Brazoria-He emigrated in 1821 with Gen. Long- penetr_ated the forest of the Trinity and with one com- panion only planted the first crop of corn on that stream- 15th Novr. Lorenzo de Zavala died- 30th- Deaf Smith died at Fort Bend- Decr. 19. Congress adjourned 20 party Mexicans came in 18 miles of St Antonio. 1838. M B Lamar elected President- 1839 July 16 expulsion of the Cherokees-Bowl& Killed- Septr. 25 France Recognizes Texas- &C- Oenl. Canalis attempts to establish Federalism in the North of l\Iexico- 1·840 July Urera & Faries disposses Bustamente of the Presidency -of Mexico- Yucatan declares for Federalism Genl. Canalis assisted by the Texans .against Santa Ana & in favor of Federalism. . Septr- Peraza sent from Yucatan to Texas soliciting the aid of the Texan Squadron which was conceded- Holland, Belgium & Rome acknowledge Texan Independence Novr. 16 Lord Palmerston signs with General Hamilton the Treaty recognition between Texas & England- Texan fleet under Comodore Moore goes to assist the State of Tobasco, takes possession of the city of Tobasco. 1841 June Santafee Expedition leaves Austin- Texan Fleet under Comodore Moore goes to the assistance of Yucatan October Santafee soldiers made prisoners thro the treachery of Lewis- 1842 l\farch. Genl. Arista & some 700 Mexicans enter St Antonio. distributing a pro[c]lamation calling upon Texas to return to Mexican AJlegiance. 1842 )larch 7. A party of Mexicans came down -upon San Patricio, surprised 26th Texan proclamation of Blockade of the Mexican ports- June Extraordinary Congress met at Houston- The President Ve- toed the principal Bill- Congress adjourned- Santana Liberates the Santa fee prisoners. August 21st Considerable number of the Santafee prisoners arrive _at Galvezton- 23rd Capt. Elliot arrives, Consul Genl. Great Britian.

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