The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume V

8eptr. Gen Cos ]ands at Copano " 23 700 Texans march from Brazoria under Austin to attack 28 The Ii r~t blow struck in the cause of liberty at Gon- ,rnlcs Octr !l. Goliad stormed & taken. Bejar imested. " 28 Battle of Conception near Bejar 9-.1: Texans against 400 Mexicans Nov 3


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Capture of Lipantitlan by Westo\·er- Comention met at San Felipe & issued its "Solemn declaration" Henry Smith governor. Sam Houston Major Genl- defeat of the Mexicans at San Patricio. Town of St Antonio stormed by 300 Texans-under }Hi lam 8 The Mexicans beaten near Bejar with great loss 9 Gen] Cos Capitulated and 1300 :Mexicans set at liberty. Gen I 1\f exia taken prisoner with American Au.xil- laries at Tampico and on the 14th 28 persons prin- cipally Americans, British, French & Germans shot at Tampico by the Mexicans this is known as the horrible tragedy

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18:rn Jany Expedition against Matamoras proved a failure 21 Town of Bejar taken Texans return to the Alamo. Ge11eral concil held at St Felipe Smith Governor :.\farch 1 Co1wention of delegates met at Washington on the Brazos. Richd. Ellis president 6th )farch Alamo attaked by Santana & 8000 Mexicans-On the 9th First fight at the Mission Refugio, gained hy Texans- 10th Rcconcl fight of the :Mission of Refugio :Mexicans driven back.- 10th Retreat of Genl. Houston from Gonzalez & buming of the town- 18th Fanin surrendered by a large force under Urrea- Fanin & his men butchered 415 in number, 19 only escaping. 27th Genl. Houston retreats from the Colorado. :.\!"arch 16. D. G. Burnet Elected President- :Hst St Felipe burned- April 16th Harrisburg burned by the :Mexicans. 21st. Battle Sanjacinto An attempt to rescue Santana by poisoning the guard-. May 20th Mexican Govt. annul the stipulations entered mto by San- tana- :Moreover Santana protests auainst the treaty he had made for his liberation- 0 Jared E. Groce died 20 Decr.- Novr. 9th Genl. Bravo issues a proclamation to his soldiers about com- mencing a new war upon Texas- 1837. Febry 4 Comanches meet at St Antonio to form a Trcaty- 12 Febry Com. Hawkins died N. Orleans March 3rd Gen 1. Jackson signs the Re$olutions of Con!!re::s for the acknowledgment of Texan Independenee- 17th Deaf Smith in a skirmi:-h at Laredo with 20 men defeats 40 Mexican Cavalry Kills 10 & captures 20 horses- . 12 April Mr. Crawford fl<Yent of the Brifo:h Gort. arnres at Co- lumbia- 0

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