The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume V

PAPERS OF l\fmAnEAt: BuoN.APARTE LA:\[AR 49 I suspect that the emigrants will favor an attack from the north, (supposing that they wanted to do such a thing, that in my opinion is impossible) is to make us much stronger- In :Mexico . [mutilated] and it is possible that the Senate or probably the Legisla- ture will dictnte means ruinous to Texas- My hope is in the State ·Goven1ment. . Good bye my friend


~larch 23rd 1830 [Addressed:] D. Jose Ato. Navarro Bexar

No. 97. STEPHEN F. AUSTIN TO JOSE ANTONIO NAVARRO [Translation fro.m the Spanish] J. A. NAVARRO MY DEAR FHIEND:- Bexar May 31 1830 Recd June 24 J salute you in this your nath-e ~ity and .am sorry that I have not been able to do so in words, in place of paper and ink. You will know by the handwriting upon which is written the letter of .l\Ir. :Milam that I am informed of its contents. I do not doubt but what the commission is going to be of much ad- vantage to you. the principal thing that it offers at present is the naming of a Surveyor. If the young man Jose Ma. Carbajal under- .stood a little more in this science it would be well for you to name him, and 1 think that it would not be improper to name him, because he can do the work by subaltern practices and he would in a short time learn the theory and practice of measurements he is young with very notable advancements in the sciences and has a very good English education. Also I think he can be very useful to you in many ways.- I haYe offered to take him to my house and instruct him in the meas- urement of lands. It is of great import that you lose no time in this matter. Name a surveyor not later than the mofith of January. wishing you well s. F. AUSTIN I think it would be better that you send a dispatch to Milam for a surveyor and you can name Jose Ma. Carbajal when he is sufficiently advanced .in that science. It is of much importance that no time be lost jn completing the measurements- it should not be forgotten that I have always been a friend of Texas. He leaves in January, and God only knows who will be his successor -0r what fate Texas will have next year. Adieu [Addressed:] C. J . A. Navarro Bexar [S. F. AUSTINl

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