P.nrns OF :.\f 11:AnE.\t: BroX.\l'.\JtT'-' IJ.DC.\R
No. 21-16.
THO:.\IAS C. DAVIS AND OTHERS TO L:\:.\f..\R Phi Gamma Hall, Emory College) ,July lGth 18-12
As the correspo11di11g CommittN• of the Phi llammn Soricty we are nuthorized respectfully to i11form you that l,y the unanimous roire of that Bouy you have uet•11 elected to the pririlecrc:; of honorary mem- bership 0 i\Iay we be permittNl to hope, that at your earliest comenience vou will acknowledge the receipt of this, and ·suffer us to enrol Jour name on the list of those whom we shall delight to regard as the friends of our enterprize, and the advocates and patrons of Scienre? We have the honor to be :::iir very respectfully Yours &c T1-1os C. DAVIS )
W W THOMAS ) Corresponding J A )IANN ) Committee
[Audressed :] Genrl i\lirabeau B. Lamar Columbus, Gn
i\Iacon Ga December 1st 18-12
GENTLEMEN I received your communication of the 1st of July last informing me of my election b_v the Phi Gamma Society to the priveliges oJ hon- orary membership, but was prevented from answering it untill the present moment Without attempting to express the gratification I de- rive from the honor which your Soc. has been pleased to confer upon me I acknowledge the receipt of your letter and gladly permit you to enrol my name "among the friends of your enterprise." As a mem- ber of the Phi Gamma Soc(i]ety I beg you to receive my best wishes for the prosperity & happiness of its members I have the honor to subscribe myself Your Obt Servt MB L,\lUR No. 2149. ANONYMOUS [Copy?] [18-12 ?l BRIEF VIEW OF THE BIJ.L ABOLISHING THE SEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT, DISJ,'RANCHISl:s'O ITS JUDOE, AND TRAN81-'ERINO THE JUDGE OF THE FOURTH TO .\ DISTANT SECTION OF THE REPUBLIC. The proposition, to be demonstrated, is, that the Bill is unconstitu- tional, unnecessary and disorganizing and subversi\'e of the integrity and best interests of the government. We may take as postulates: l. The Constitution, in its letter and scope, requires all the counties to be cast into judicial districts, not over eight, to be as equal as practicable in respeet of counties & liti- gation. 2. A judge is to be elected for each for four years, who is to be ·an associate justice of the Supreme court: his salary, whilst he remains in office, is neither to be increased nor diminished: and he can alone be expelled by impeachment. 3. The origi11RI jurisdiction of the
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