The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume V



the abduction of capt Dimmitt or of their being even suspected of it. I could not perceive how I could visit upon them any portion of that resentment due to the real offenders without violating the plighted faith of the nation. .[ v..-as also induced to release them for another consideration. Two of our fellow-citizens (Vanness '& Morris) acting as Commissioners for this Government were then in th~ camp of Ariste, the )lexican Genl comman<liug the Central Forces at :Monterrey. To punish the Mexican Traders under the circumstances, I apprehended would involve the safety and life of these gentlemen. And indeed it appears that my conjectures were not ill-founded for upon their re- turn they stated in substance to the Secretary of State, that very soon after the tidings of this capture had reached Aristes Camp, two Texan citizens, then in that country. were thrown into prison, and that they themselves narrowly escaped the like fate. These are the reasons which influence me to issue the Order dated . directing the captive Traders to be forthwith set at liberty and their property re5tored to them. This order was executed in part only. The prisoners were released; but their property had been distributed among the captors, who now refused to return it. Steps were immediately taken by the Executive to have the property or its equivlent recovered through the medium of the courts; but from the irresponsible character of the parties holding the captured property, as well as from other causes, there is reason to believe that this course will prove altogether in- effectual; ancl it now becomes a question, whether justice and national honor do not alike require that some reparation should be made for ~his forcible seizure of property which the Government had pledged itself to protect. The ExecutiYe having done all in his power to the ends of Justice, he respectfully submits the matter to the decission: of Congress. [Endorsed:] Relating to Capture of Dimit.

No. 2118.


Near Tallahassee, [Florida] Dec. 29th- 1841-


Upon the authority of a former acquaintance and friendship I in- troduce to you my esteemed young friend (:Mr. John :McMullen) A s~ort intercourse will shew you his worth & I venture to say that you ~nll regret no politeness favour or assistance which (should he require it) may be in yr. power to shew him. And by so doing you will very much oblige her whom you once knew as l\frs. John Floyd. ,vith much Esteem Yr. friend ANN ALSTON GAILLARD [Addressed :l :Mirabeau Lamar Ex. President of Texas Houston Texas Mr. iVIc.1\1ullen

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