The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume V



Captain Levere Hetr.el-U. S. Army-Stationed at Washington Col Wm Heily-of the 98th Hegt. Pa. lfilitia C'ol Geo \Y. Boyer " " " " " and a 1111mbcr of others we presume not necessary to mention We me11tion these as much and more to show our characters as Citi- zens than Soldiers- knowing that Qualifications of a :Military Cast ca11 he tested much !)ctter by an examination by a hoard well qualified than Hullllre(ls of Certificates, we would therefore have no hesitation whaten:-r i11 a~kiug to he examined by a board appointed for that pur- pose. We would earnestly request you to take into consideration the ~acr! fire we make by thus volu11tarily offering our Serriees to a Re- public by becoming a Citizen of which-will dcpri,·e us of our Citi- zenship or our .:.Yalfre ( 'ounfry a11d also of the Society of our Friends and Relatives, hut yet in the face of all this we most respectfully urge upo11 you, the immediate consideration of our petition and also re- quest as soo11 as possible an answer-please direct to F. . F. Heisel- Harrisburg, Pennsylvania Ly so (loing you will oblige yours :;\fost Respectfully F11EnK F. BEISEL Captain 7th Company 98th Regt P. M. E. C. WILLIA~IS 1st Lieutenant 7th Company 98th Regt P. M. D. E. Bs\HNITZ (luarter )faster 9-l:th Regt-and 2nd Lieut pro te,n 7th Cy 98th Rt P. ::\L [Addressed :] To his Excellency the President of the Republic of Tl'xas


Gay Hill [Texas,] Octr 20th 18-11

H jg Excellency l\IrnADEAli B LA?.UR. DEAR GEXF.ll.AL.

I met a gentleman near Bastrop, who brought me a letter from Captain Swisher which greatly relieved me. He informed me that my wife presented me with a fine bov 011 the night of the 10th of Octo- ber: and that both mother and s"on were doing well. I reached this place on the 16th an<l found them both in very goocl plight. 'l'he lit- tle fellow is perfectly formed in every part wit!; nothing different ahout him from other children except a peculiarly venerable looking couu- tenance, caused by the baldness of his forehead whirh extends to the crown of hi::: head, ancl is ornamented by long curling ringlets of black hair. 'l'he general contour of his face is quite warlike, ~ml l~c looks much more like a soldier than a di,·ine. H he prores himself a true descendant of his ancestors he must be both. On taking him iu my arms I attempted to plaee the bihte in hi:-: left hand, and a sword iu his right; but his mother objec·tt 1 d 1-0 strenuousl_v to hi:-: grasping tl~c sword, that he was pcrmittecl only to rctnin the hook. Perhaps tins wa::: well enough: for if he uses this well, hl' will wirnt 110 hett<'r tle- f<'IH·<' throu!!h life. ~he had alrrn,h criven him rnur nnmr. If you should here~fter turn out ha<lly, I ,,;illi:-he strongh: temptetl to beromc your biographt>r, and r<'prc:-:ent your <>hnrnc-tr.r anti net.ion:-: n::; they

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