The money that was stolen from the Custom-House ($3000-) have been found, except $50-, and the individual in the Brig, (the prison).- ·l\iy health is still improving, since I saw you.- Write and let me hear how you are. Give my respects to l\fr. Fontaine & Jewett. Yours Sincerely w~r. H. SANousKY. [Addressed:] )Iirabeau B Lamar, President Republic, of Texas. .Austin. [Endorsed:] Wm. H. Sandusky Oct- 18-11 Private No. 2113. PETITIO:N' OF FREDERICK F. BEISEL AXD OTHERS Harrisburg-Pennsylvania Octr 18- 18-ll The undersigned- Citizens of Pennsylvania- learning from the ..,· press and other sources of information- that Te.ms, is not yet in a · State of profound peace, the M exica.ns having signifiecl their intention of attack- this Winter-and as our Country is at enmity with no Nat1'.on on the Globe at the present time, all probability of a rupture with Englaud- vanishing with the acquittal of McLeod- There- fore feeling anxious to encourage the Spirit of Liberty- whenever and wherever made manifest-having bequeathed to us by our fore- fathers of the Revolution, that Spirit which mocks at Oppression- which yields to naught but God and the constitution of Freemen, that Spirit which contems the Titled Nobility and Crowned heads of King- doms- spurning their Titles beneath our feet- and aspiring onl_v to the Soul thrilling title of Freeman- Although not in the Re_qu,lar Army- yet we <lo by virtue of the Governor of Pennsylvania hold the Respective Commissions in the Pennsylvania Militia of "Captain"- "first Lieutenant" and "Quarter l\faster"-, We at the same time be- Jong to a Company in this place which for correct drill and manover- ing has taken the meed of praise at all the encampments &c- which they visited, (according to the latest United States Regulations) there- fore understanding th[o] roughly the Soldiers Manual and the Du,ty of Officers also having diligently applied onrselves to the study thereof on our Appointment as Officers- of the 7th Go-mpany and being very desirous of aiding the Holy Cause of Liberty we most respectfully ask if possible to be given us- a Company in the army of the "Re- public of Texas"- We ask it not merely on account of our Commissions here but state at the same time that we are able to produce Reccomendations of our Character both as regards the Gentleman and the Soldier from: his ExcelJency David R. Porter Governor of the State of Pennsylvania Francis R. Shunk Secretary " " " Adam Diller- Adjutant General Honorable- Judge Bucher of the 10th District " Judge Hummel " " " " " James Buchannan, Senator in Congress-from Pa. " " " " D R. Sturgeon "
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