The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume V



In asking such a farnur I can only advance those claims upon your Excellency as would entitle me to the Otlice without an appeal ·to a long list of Friends for reccommendation as a long residence in the County etc etc And in conclusion allow me to hope for your best health & haµpiness

Very Hespcctfully

R. HOL)[ES CHIXK His Excell Gen )I. B. Lamar. City of Austin Robt I-I Chinn A pp! ication for Ch Justice of Brazoria

[Addressed :] [Endorsed :]

Cty Oct 18-H

Xo. 2111.


Austin Ocr. 12th 1841


I very much regret that the health of my wife requires my absence . from Austiu, and the cessation of my services in the Confidential re- lation which I now sustain towards you. In resigning my Office as your Excellency's Private Secretary, permit me to say that I shall carry through life the grateful recollection of the well-timed faror of my appointment to this honorable station. During the time I haw occupied it, you have been so entirely polite, and kindly attentire in your deportment towards me, and so scrupulously regardful of all my feelings, and continually mindful of my wants, that you have rendered all the duties of it pleasurable employments rather than tasks of labor. . I can never make you any adequate return for this kindne&S: but m remembrance of it, whatever my head, hea.rt, & ha11ds can do for you, shall always be at your service. May the God of Mercy give happiness and eternal life, is the heart- felt prayer Of Your Sincere friend & Serv't. Eow. FoxTAI~E [Rubric] [Addressed:] His Excellency :Mirabeau B. Lamar. Pre.s~nt. . [Endorsed:] Revd. Edwd Fontaine Oct 12th. 18-H Res1gnahon as P. Secty No. 2112. WILLIAM H. SANDUSKY TO L.-L\L-\R Galveston, Oct. 18th. 1S-11 DEAR GENERAL, I am not going to trouble you with one of tho~e Ion~ ~.('t!en- ~-Cl 11 ~1,ate so mu~h to read, but just going to ask you ~he tavor ot a _Co1~Y l'f Tlte Part111g," or a Newspaper that contams 1t. I a,lnllf\' It • much, that l wish to keep it among the collections of P~etry Yllll ;:~,-t' me, which I am copying ver.v neatly in an Album f~r !' J.:. ce1~~11kr'. \n' t Mr Fontaine (if he is your Private Sec'y.) to copy 1t 1f ht' pll''.l~l'~. No news here of consequence,- he11lthy_, money .'earre.- ~ 11 '".'" }~rt'- paring to Sail for the "Federal nation' Com ~loore i:- 11w1!t :-rnrttn~ to New Orleans for Xarnl Supplies-:\Iuch talk. "who will llt' t)hl Sam's Cabin et ?"


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