The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume V



not I hope, marred its previous strength.- I have been in this Office from )larch /39, and those Hou gentlemen under whose authority I have been during this space of time, will, doubtless, give me the char- acter, I am ~o solicitous to establish. I again beg Your Excellency,. to excu:;:e me for thus encroaching upon your time & patience. I am Hespectfully Your friend


[Addressed :] [Endorsed:] To/ His Excellency 1f. B. Lamar, Present. Aug: Seger Oct 4th 18-1-1 ~o. 210G. WJLLlAM H. HART AND OTHERS TO LAJ[AR Nacogdoches October 6. 1841 To his Excellency MIRABEAU B. LAMAR. Sm, In conformity with a resolution unanimously adopted- by a large and respectable meeting of the Citizens of Nacogdoches County, held' in the town of Nacogdoches on the 5th i11stant, the undersigned re- spectfully tender to your Excellency, an inYitation to a public dinner,. to be given 011 the "Second of )larch", or "twenty first of April" next,. or, at such time as may suit the convenience of your Excellency- In offering this invitation, the undersigned, in behalf of the meet- ing they represent, and for themselves as indiYicluals and citizens of t_he country, which has received the benefits of your patriotic exer- tions- particularly in the security which they have afforded to our exposed frontier by the Chastisement and expulsion of the murderous savages that fo;merly preyed upon us- beg leave to tender their grateful acknowledrrements for vour unceasing endeaYors to exalt the character of the N~tion over which you preside, ~nd for your steady and uniform resistance to the rude assaults of such as have sought to embarrass it, hy their opposition to the salutary measures of your Administration- · With sentiments of the highest esteem for yourself individually, we have the honor to be, Your Excellency's :Most obt. Servts- W:r,.r. HART WILLIAM SPARKS Senr. J AS. H. STARR WM An~oLD ADOLPHUS STERNE PETER TIPPS CHAS. s. TAYLOR WILLIA:\[ M. MOORE DAVID RUSK .:\. •-\·. ~ELSON J~o. l\f. WATKINS J TODD J. s. MAYFIELD Jonx DORSETT K. H. McsE Jos. H. Dt•nsr RonT. W. S:-.nTH OscAn E:s-GLEDOW AxonF.:w CADDEL H H F.nwAnns J. S. RonEnTs J. F. Gn,rn.rn }[ G WHITAKER .T~o. S. THon~ ,J . R. GOOD\\"IX J.\:-. )[c.\:ffLTY R. E. WYXXE [Endorsed :l Letter of imitatio~1 from Citizens of .N'nrogdoche5 to Genl. Lamar Oct 18-n-

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