The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume V

474 TEXAS STATE LIBRARY district jn a short time- as I believe that my appointment to that office would be agreeable to the community generally-may I take the liberty of asking from your Kindness the appointment should it become vacant, and should no other person with greater claims be presented to you- I am with the highest sentiments of gratitude & respect your Excel- lency's obedient sevt p C JACK P. S. Please address at Brazoria f Addressed:] To His Excellency :M B Lamar Austin. [Endorsed:] P. C. Jack Galveston :May 26th 1841 Answered. 22d June 1841


San Antonio de Bexar 29th. May 1841.- To His Excy. M. B. LAMAR President of the Republic of Texas ExcT. Sm, Accompg. I send the proposed form of a proclamation to the people of Santa Fe which I have drawn up in Spanish and English according to Your request. I submitted the Spanish copy to Dn Antonio Navarro with a request that he would not only correct it but make any changes in the matter· it contained which he might deem advisable; but he assured me that he thought it needed only a slight retouching of the style which he gave it by altering a few words. Your favour of the 25th came to hand yesterday. As Mr. Power will shortly leave here for Houston I am sorry to say that I am un- able to comply with your request to repair to the seat of Government. As however Mr C. Van Ness will go thither this week I would recom- mend to Y. E. to avail yourself of his aid in the matters you refer to, if it be not too late. I have the honour to be, very respectfully Yr Excy's obdt. Servt REUBEN M. POTTER [Rubric l [Endorsed:] R M Potter San Antonio l\1ay 29th 1841 Transmit- ting an address to the Citizens of Santa Fe


[Austin, Texas, May? 1841]

Sm Col Cooke informs me that it is your wish that the Latitude· & Longitude of Austin should be taken before the Expedition starts. It certainly would have been desirable to have fixed this point, & if the Chronometer sent for had been received, it could have been effected, without difficulty. At present, I should prefer leaving it until my return & Trust that you excuse my delaying it until that time ' I remain your obt Sernmt THO$ FALCONER To His ExcellencY President Lamar &c &c [Endorsed:] Th;mas Falconer (with out date)

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