most experienced rangers of this frontier. I think he is an honQr to the service and he stands remarkably high with all our citizens who haYe his acquaintance for his soldierly bearing and gentlemany con- duct. And I feel safe in assureing your Excellency that no blame -ought to attach to him on account of his not returning with the troops. With ruauy ~ud sincere hopes for your health and hnpiness I am Truly Your Friend and Obt. Servt. WM. N. PORTER [Addressed:] To His Excellency :Mirabeau B. Lamar Austin Texas Politeness of Lieut. Ellison [Endorsed:] Wm N Porter DeKalb Ga April 22d 1841 No. 2013. IGNACIO SIRVENT DE CALONGA TO LAnlAR [Translation from the Spanish] To the Most Excellent the Hon. Prest. MY EVER ESTEEMED Srn: desiring to be useful to the Texan country where I have established myself, actuated by patriotism, I cannot fail to offer my small sen·ices as official amanuensis in the office of the Secretary of the delegation which will set out for Santa Fe, and I do not doubt that Your Excellency considering me suitable for that pur- pose, will deign to hearken to the petition of a Spaniard, who will most joyfully sacrifice his life for the prosperity of this Republic. S. Anto.. de Bejar [Aprill 30, 1841. IGNACIO SIRVENT DE CALONGO, [Rubricl Teacher [Endorsed:] Ygnacio Bejar 1841
Executive Department, Austin, May 8th. 18-H.
MY DEAR GENER.AL, It is with deep regret that I find myself compelled to announce to you the absolute necessity of a temporary absence from .Austin, for the purpose of restoring my health. I ~ave been advised by my friends of the propriety of this course:- but at the same time, I assure you it is with great reluctance I am forced so to do. Finding myself almost disqualified to transact any business at present, and without the hope of ultimate relief, unless I resort to some other remedy, without farther delay.- I am therefore compelled to throw myself upon your liberality, and ask the favor of an appointment to some situation by which I can pay expenses for a few months. I understand an expedition is to be sent out in a short time for the purpose of Surveying the "Harbor's &C," on. the Texan Coast ~f the Gulf of l\f exico. In that event, I should hke to accompany 1t, as Pu,rsur or Secrelary.-but the l\Iatter rests entirely with you,- Con- sequently, I must beg your Serious considerat-if:m. Yours ever truly. WM. H. SANDUSKY.
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