The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume V



P. S. Should you write me please have the goodness to direct to William Bell, South Shaftsbury Vt. U. S. [Addressed:] His Excellency .M, B, Lamar, President of the Re- public of Texas. Houston [Endorsed:] Wm. Bell South Shaftsbury Vt. .Apl 5th 1841 Recd. l\Iay 4th. '41, W. H. S.



[Clipping from New Orleans Bee] April 7, [18411 The New York papers of the 26th contain the important intelligence of Gen. HAMILTON'S having effected the negociation of a loan for Texas in Paris, in the month of February last. Gen. H. furnishes the information in several letters addressed to the New York press. One of the letters reads as follows: PARIS, February 14, 1841. To the Editor of the New York Herald: SIR: As the commissioners of loans of the republic of Texas were in- structed by his excellency, president Lamar, in the event of their effect- ing a negociation of the loan for that republic, to make a public an- nouncement of the fact, that meritorious holders of the securities of the government may not be the victims of the speculation of those act- ing under secret information, I will thank you to state in _your paper, or if this communication should arrive after it has gone to press, in a slip to be immediately issued from your office, that I have this day day [sic] concluded in this city a contract with the bank of Messrs. J. Lafitte & Co., for the Texian loan. I forward a duplicate of this letter per the Havre packet of the 16th February, and shall enclose this to the Texian Consul at New York, per the American :Minister's letter bag from London. I remain very respectfully, Your obedient serrnnt, J. HA.MILTO:N". P. S. Since writing the above, we- have received ·the following letter- :from the Texian Minister at Washington, containing the intelligence. Washington, Marclr 27, 1841. To the Editor of tlre New-Orleans Bee:- DEAR Sm :- I am requested by Gen. Hamilton to announce to you, for- publication, the fact of his success iu negotiating in France, the loon for Texas. Respectfully yours, &c, B. E. B.


Gal-l'eston 12th April 18 ll

DEAR GENL. I am much gratified to hear that your health is i;o much impro,·ed as to enable you to return to the seat of Government and resume the

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