The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume V



$22 70

Republic of Texas


To Costs in County Court Clk fees- Dist. do--Bates Sheriff fees

9 62! 8 00



John S. Evans ) John F. Huntington ) & M. B. Lamar )

Attys Tax fee Printers Bill Leving execution Returning ditto

10 00 $3 - 2. .i:>


5 75

Amt par funds-


Amount of Debt Treasury Interest do from Sale J udgemt Commission on 950$ Amt Sale Amt fees as above par funds

927.97 79.22 46.00 27.75


$56.07. on T.M. @ 6 for one

336.42 $1417.34 224.29 1305.21

Present rates 4 for one-

112.13 [Addressed:] His Excell-:\lirabeau B. Lamar or Honl James Webb City of Austin Texas pr .Mail LEndorsed :] McKinney Williams & Co. Gah·eston. !\larch 22d 1841


Decatur, DeKalb Co Georgia March 25th 1841


I have written several letters to Texas, for the purpose of getting some information, which is to me important, and thus far l have failed- and J am induced to address this letter to you, hoping that your leisure will enable you to gratify my wishes- I have purchased the Claim of J olm O Allen who says he was a Soldier in Wards Bat- talion, and belonged to Capt Wynns Company, and that he is entitled to Land in the Republic of Texas, and afterwards he was on board the Schooner Invincible, and was arrested and tried as a Pirate in New Orleans.- This is a synopsis of the individual whose claim I haYe purchased, and it would be a Si11gular fayor, if you would have the Records examined, and write me, whether there is such a uame to be found on the Roll of Capt Wynns Company and \\"ards Battalion from Georgia- If so what amount of Land is he intitled to, and how must l proceed to get my claim- I hope you will pardon the liberty I have taken in this matter, and find an apology for me, by remembering that we are lioth Georgia11s, and that neither time nor distance can sepemte us in feeling and Sentiments, nor in attachment to onr Native Land. Also write me what is the Cost in getting pattents for Land in Texas. Write me to this office, an<l oblige your friend & obt Svt JESSE F CLEVELA:l\D N B Your relations in ~!aeon was all well a few days since I Notation ,1ppell(letl to abon', unsigned:] The name of Jolrn 0 Allen appears 011 Capt Wiun·s Holl at. the time his eompany was mus- tered into serdce- It also appear:- from thC' :-amC' 1lo<·ume11t, that the saiu Allen Deserted oll the 15th. Februnry 18~Hi. He ii-, hy eonsequence !lot elltitled to any Laml or Pay as for his ~en·ic·es in the Ntl\',\', this

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