The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume V


PAPERS OF limABEAU Buo~AP.-\RTE W.)L\.R 463 of the living. What happier moments of existance could there be?- N one!- Young Mason was of steady habits He promised over & over again to his dear mother to be steady, and I do not k""llow but he has fulfilled his promise-God grant he has. You, possessed of all that Honor & munificence can bestow-placed by the wishes of a clear people in the highest office that they can bestow- you ha,·e e,·ery reason to be ltappy- But think of a poor mother bereft ?f her offspring. Remember by subjecting yourself, to some inconven- 1c11ce, you render a large circle of friends happy. Doing it, you not only reflect honor on yourself but comfort those parents who weep for their son in vain ! and shall it be in ,·ain? Imagine the many sleepless nights his mother must pass! Broken down bv misfortune what comfort it must be to hear from him. It may prolong her life many years, to hear again from her son the sup- port of her old age- Sir, if ever it can be in my power to render you any asi::istance it shall willingly be rendered, but it is not likely that situatec\ as we are, that I shall ever be able to do it. But you, dear Sir, Can, I think <lo something for me that I shall ever be thankful for. If he is not in the land of the living you will confer the same great favor by addressing me. If you can not obtain any information re- specting him, please write & let me know of the recpt of this If you trouble yourself to look into the affair-please direct to Your obedient Servant & Friend JOSEPH B. :\fasox Bangor, Penobscot County .Maine P. S. ~fy Brothers name is Samuel Watson .Mason .Aged 22-- [Addressed:] To President of the Republic of Texas Austin Texas [Endorsed:] Joseph B. :Mason, Bnngor, :Maine, :March 13th 1841 Enquiring for his brother. No. 1982. )IcKINNEY & WILLIA:\JS TO LAMAR OR JAMES WEBB Galveston Mch 22 1841 Honl JAMES WEBB DEAR Sm- Your letter of the 1st. inst enclosed $1000 One thousand Dollars Texas Treasury notes, has been received. On the other side you will :fin<l a statement, (which we ha,·e today obtained from the oflirers of the Court here) of the execution against Genl. Lamar, for which the _lot was sold which you wish us to recover from the purchaser-the nmount bC'ing four hundred & seventeen 34/100 Dollars Texas Notes oYer the sum you enclosed to us- We have seen l\Ir John B. Jones who \\'as the Atty: for the Govt. in the suit, and who purchased the lot at the sale and we are authorized by him to say, that when the amount of the execution, (as pr statement annexed) is satisfic>d, he will re- linquish his claim to the lot by purchase- No deed ha,·ing- yet been. made to him for it by the Sheriff- Very Respectfully Yr )fo Obt l\fcKINNEY W1LI,IAMS & Co By J. 'l'EMPLE DOSWELL

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