The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume V


land of the government for my ~ervices over my ortlinary expenses- )·our kindness in endeaYouring to obtain a situation for me, or a con- tract, will be greatfully rememberecl by your excellencys )fost Obt & Very Hble Sevt. J. WA:MOCK N. B. please direct to me at Washington on the Brazos [Addressed:] His Excelly. )f. B-Lamar Prest. of the R. of Texas- Austin, Texas [Endorsed:] J Warnock, Shelbyville Texas Recd Apr. 2:Jd 18-ll.

No. 1961. R. C. CA?l-fPBELL TO LAMAR

Houston, Texas [About 18-1-0l

His Excely. ~L B. LAMAR Austin Sm

As counsel for j\,f rs. Harriet Cade of this City, widow of Isaac Cade Dec'd and by her direction, I undertake to enquire if you will consent to rescind the sale and purchase had between John W Pitkin and your- self in relation to a house and lot here-- Mrs. Cade having become the owner of the property, has only since her husbands death, become adYised that a large portion of the purchase money remains unpaid, and not feeling herself able to satisfy it, is anxious to learn on what terms a recession can be had- :.\fr Pitkin has placed in ir rs Cades hands a receipt for $1000- paid you, and an assigned account for about the same sum- I deem myself authorised to say, that Mrs. Cade will forego, all claim to the property, upon receiving one half of the sum considered as paid- :M:rs. C'ade, is left with two small children in needy circumstances and far from I1er friends and will be greatly gratified and aided, if her proposition as submitted by me, should be complied with- An early answer is solicited With great Respect Your Obt Servt. R. C. CAMPBELL [Addressed:] His Excelly. M. B. Lamar, Austin [Endorsed:] R. C. Campbell, Houston.


[About 18401 "Before the efectuation of )f exican Inclependence in 1821, the Penin- sula of Yucatan was governed according to the Spanish System by a captain General who united to :Military commancl politic's and wealth, and his attributes in these branches of his aclministration, were Inde- pendent of the Vice royalship of ),f exico-The Gove'.nors who came from Spain .fullfilled their charges a11cl instruction's with more or less yio-or accordino- to their characters but no one failed to obsen·e any thing very spe~ial or worthy of th; political suspicio1~ of the Metrop- olis- which was that it should not be permitted the nat1Yes of the Coun- trv to obtain any public offices of influence-- One of the most zealous observers of this· policy was the Captain General Don Lucas de Gah·ez-

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