The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume V

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from a man of letters, an1l i:-: ~till more 11nlwtomi111.! n follmr(•I' of Christ. ,rl' feel 110 c1ispo~ition to imitate hi:- i1l<'i,·ility, aml altlH,· l_H' has nttempll•tl to in~ult withr,ut prorneation, WP will 11r,·prt)wh•:-:8 m t\l(' few comments which Wl' 1bi!!n io make 011 hi:-: ldtPr of the .10th. inst. cndea\'Our to use a la11gnagc as modernte :rnd l'orlu•a rill:,! as t-lw offensin' nature of thr prim·iplc~ it c:ontain~. will allow. Shortly aft<>r it wn~ asc·ertain<'<l that Dr. \\'addc•l woulcl 1·l'~ip:n hi::: situation a:-: President of Franklin l'oll<>gr. ~crcrnl ge11tiC'llll'II or <'mi- llC'll<'e and worth were held hrfore the pnhlit a:-: ::uitahl<' to :-:uc:<.:ced him. The partiality of frie1ul~hip platNl ~Tr. Brantley a11w11g- tlw c·an<lidat(•:-. and in n short time he was i:eriousl.r consid<'red a:-: an a:-:pira11t to that important and rr~ponsihle station. His claim:- to it ol' cons<.•qucnc·c heeame fair snl,jec-ts of cliscn;::-:ion. 11 P :-l'<'ms ho,n'n·r to think nthcr- wise. But. in aecor<lam·e with our :-P11:-:r of cluty a:-: patriot~ and (•011- ductors of n puhlil" journal, we proe<>rdl'll to a11 examination of tl1C' qunlifications and merits of some of the mo:-:t prominent rmHli1latl':-- for the appointment, among whom )Ir. Brantly was 01w. We han• the satisfaction o( knowing thnt the c1isqui:-:ion wa:-: <:011d11decl with can- dour and decem·.r- at least our consiencc appro,·p:,; of the (·Olll':-i(' we took. That. the ahore named gentleman appearccl to a cli:;;mha11tage in n comparison with the other candi<lates wa~ owing to hi:; ow11 c·on- durt, and ran he no fault of ours. The portrait:-- whieh we <ln,w will be recol!nize,l by all who are acquainted with the incli,·iduals, a:; faith- ful to life, with the exception of some flatterin)! tint~ with whi<·h we heightene<l the chararter of one of them a littll• aboni natun•. .\ncl for thus erri11g on the side of charity, we had ~reatC'r rca:-:on to ex pcd his gratitude and thank!- than the reception of the following singular langua_ge which he holds in the opening of his letter to us of the 10th. inst. He says "In your paper of August 15th. 182!'1. I find the rne11- tion of my name in c-onnexion with the :mbjed of Franklin College and also with the 1111m<> of Elijah ?\Iosely. l regret that you should haw taken such n libert\· with an in<liridual about whom :you know nothing personally.'' Such arc hi:-: words, whil·h in dcfia11c·~ or C\'ery 1\ii;po:::ition in us to hr g-ra,·e ancl :-:erious, we (·milcl not re,Hl without l1111l!hi11;! at hi:: folly. II i;.rhly prohalile it may hl' a Yery /.!!'eat offl•n<:P to rnrntiou hi:-: m1n11• "in 1·011ncxion with the 1-uhject of Franklin Col- lege·~ but liC' :-houltl rC'nwmher that it wa,: hi :- f~ie11d:;; who fir~t took this '•liberty" a11d that it wn:-: Wl' who enclC'a,·ored to :-:C',·c•r :-uc:h an im- proper ··('0111,rxion.'" .-\11cl for au<Tht WC' k11ow it nul\· lie a11 offo)l(:P or :-till ;!reatC'r lllll;!llit111lt• to c·oupler\im ··al~o with ti;~. uame of Elijah )lo~el_y" but if thi::: piou~ an,l patriotit· mai1 \\'C'l'C' 110w livi11p; it ,rnuld lw well for any )'l'Nlll urn•r to 1,e funnel in wor:-:c c:ompany. It ap- l'L'ars howr-rl•r that our 1·11rn•:-:pondl•llt 1·aml' i11 c·ont:H·t with him fJIIC<' iu the "(•our:-:i• of human <·,·1•11t~·• without r<>api1w either c:omfort or t·rerlit from tlu• juxtapo:-iti1111. The c111p wa:-: n He1~uhli<-m1 & thC' oth<'r a Ferll'l'ali~t: th<· on" fought l'or hi~ country ancl the otlwr relHtkl•d hin~ for ir_. F11n1i_:-lll'1l with thi,: important· information WP Juul 110 lll':-:11:1111'_\' Ill oppu,:111~ )I I'. Hrnntlr':-: ('i<>rntion to j lw J>rr:-:i1lt•111.:\' or Fra11kli11 (\illl'_!!<'. Tl11• 11hjPl'lio11 ~ra,: a ,:olicl um• and it wa:-: within till' pal<> (If 11111' d11ti1•:-: to 111')!1' it. Hut )](' r(•:'l'llt:-- a11 i11,·1~:-:tigatio11 or hi:-: 1·lt1im:-- a,: 1111,ra1T:111tal,l1• prl':-:umption. \\'r c·n1111ot ,·i(•\\" it. i11 that liµ-hr 0111':-Ph1•:-. for \l'C' :-l'P 1111 rra:-:on wh.r l,i.~ qualifil'atio11.~ and nwrit:-

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