P.\J>EH:-- or :\111:.\Bl-:.,r Bt·o:'\.\P.\llTE L.L\1.\J:
yj,-ited · th<:> .-\~c11t to olitai11 rrom him all thl· information that tl1Pr t·oul,1 i11 rl'lat.ion to 1he matter. all(I iHmwclintL•h· 011 thrir return o,;;. of the party politL•l_y l'urni~hrd u,- with a 1•ppn•:-:~11tntion of the l'onver- ,:ation whic·h he hacl with Crow0II- thr fal'l:- 1·011tained in that MatP- nwnt Wt' printe,l exadly a::; \\.<' had n•1·t'in·cl thrm from ihe author, (in hi,- own word:- a11cl q11otatio11s) who in a suh:-:pqtw11t public:ation avowrcl his name and 11sc1l till' l'ollnwi11g· la11/-!11age, " J am responsible for the statrnwn t i11 lhat pil'<·e,"' a11d yN notwi t h:-;tanding- all this the ~landerous h•tt1•r writ<·r P11dea\·or:-: tu impo:-r upo11 tho!"e who hacl ne\'er seen the picc·e tli<' hl'lier that it erninate<l rrom tlw Editor of the Co- lumher E11q11ir<'t'. ~ow wr ar1• utterly at a lo,-,- to diri11c• hi:- motive:-: in thui-; lying t·o1H·L'l'lli11g u~- it' it be merely for political effec:t, we can but despi,-e a man who is eapable of :-:toopinl-! to suc·h party base- ness- and if he was actuated hy per:;onality hostility, we think that he sreeks hii- reveng-P in a very pittiful way. 'rhat were we the author of the author r.-:frl or th<' acc:01111t of the (•()lJYCri-atioll held with Crowell, nnd printed in the .E11quirer of the 18th l;lt. is false, hut that wr have macle animaclversio11s on the character of this man. ii- true, nor are we disposed to relieve our1,eh-es of the responsibility. No. 80. "ANSWER TO ::\IR. BRANTLEY'S LETTER." LA1Lc\R [Columbus? Georgia, September? 18291 By referring to the Enquirer of the 10th inst. the reader will fincl a letter from the Revd. William T. Brnntly, adclressecl to us in reply to some remarks of ours concerning the appointment of President of Franklin College. The spirit evinced in this letter is so different from what we had a right to expect from the gentleman. that we are nt a loss in determining as to the most i-uitable langnag"c to he used in answer to him. We would gladly he \'ery mihl and Coll(•iliator_v if we were fully convinced that we ought to he :::o. Hi:-; hold avowal of n most unpatriotic doctrine, seems to call ror dcri:-:ive rPprehrnsion; and yet it is painful to bestow it on c>11P of hi::: years and prufr:-;sion how- ever urgently duty may require it of u:-:: mid jm:tice demancl it. The additional provocation to se,·erity fumi:-:hecl in his proud mul haught~· bearing- shall have no influence upon n:-;, for we will ,,:peak of him in tht:> same manner ns though he had not olfcnclcJ against the urbanity ancl humility that bPlong to his vocation. Hi:- effort to insult was gratui- tous and unmerited by us. Our langnag<' in reference to him has hPrn decent & respectful, ancl we regret mon• on hi::: arrount than our own, that in writing to ns he has thought proper to illllnl~<' n natural pro- pensity rather than follow our example. H we had u:-:ed :-11ch <·011- clemnator_y & ca11:-;tic Ppithets a,- we ro111·C'irl'd mo;:t npproprinfr to f:<lllll' of his political opi11iom:, Wl' might haq• 1·alr·11latc>1l on rcc·ri\'ing (tho' undeserYecl) n reply ti11dure1l with n littll' :-:plern nnd ill naturC': f11r harsh words however j11:-tly applii.>11 ar<' apt to ('X1·itl' to :111gPr, and w,, nre eapablc in :-nc-h (·a,-L•:-: of making d11e 11llmnuH·<' for thi:-: i11tir111it_\ of huma11 nahtr<'; hut when Wl' :-puk1• of lii111 in 11 :-:tyl,• fur from in- sulting- and be!,:(owecl clue prni~I' on hi;: :-t1ppo:-:1•d nwrir:-: \l'l• l'f'l'tai11ly hatl :-;ome <'laims to hi:-: courte,-y, arnl lin,I 110 rig-ht to 1•x1u•,·t 0111' 1·iYili1.,· would he rt>pai,l with i11solr111·1•. Ill' Ila,. th11ught p1·1,pPr h111rPvrr 1 11 treat u,- with a :-:tq1<'rc·iliou,- nhrnpt111-,-:-:. that 1·0111,.,- \1•ry 1111.~Tlll ·1•f11lly
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