The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume V


30 T1-:X.\:3 ST.\TE Lmi:.\ r:r or FOl"R DOLLARS nt the encl o( the year..:\DVER'l'ISE:\fENTS will he insert<'cl at the usual rates. ,J.\XL\I:Y, 1828. I Endor~('(l :l Prospee:h1s o( the Columlrn:-: Enquir<'r. ~o. 78. EXTRACT OF .\ LETTER D:\'L'ED .-\Tl-I E~:-4, Al ·r: FS'l' 3d, 182!1. .-\XOXY)IOl·s [Clipping from thl' ('ftrrokrr. l'hocni.1': reprint rru111 rhc .-I ng11sl1i Ch ro11iclc] . ·'I wa:;; HC·ccilingly sorry to see the censure which you ca~t, m- directly, or in mh·ance, on Col. Crowell. in your remarks on the state- ment of rhe Co/11111b11s E11,,uirer, in relation to the Indians and Col. C. publi:;hecl in your paper of the 2-3th ult. It is true that that censure wns founded on the presumption that tlw statement of the Enquir<'r was corrrc/.; and I hare not the sli!!htest «loubt of rour entire impar- tiality in the matter; hut perhaps it 'e:-:caped your memory for the time, that the Enquirer has bPen mo,-t 1,ittcrly hostile to Col. Crowell ever since its establishment, frequently using against him language of ~o mrnecessarily violent and ahusire nature, as eould leave no doubt that the feelings which dictated it were at least as much of a personal as a public character. It is extremely difficult, with such feeling~, to be- stow censure impartially, and with a view to the puhli<: good n/0111•; and therefore those who possess them are not likely to he good authority in statements with which they may interfrre, ancl pnrt.i<·ularl~- those in which they appear to do so. those who know Col. Crowell per- sonally, and have judged impartiall.,· of his conduct a::: Indian Agent, must be deeply and regretfully sensible that few men ham heeu more violently and unjustly assniled in the hitterness of party spirit, and for the mere !-ake of party success. lmmec1iately that I saw the statt>- ment of the Enquirer, I felt cominced of its improhability in general; and particularly of its injustice to C'ol. Crowell; ancl the c:ounter state- ment of Col. C. and another per:-:on_. a:-: puhlii:l1ec1 in the :\Iacon Tele- ~rnph of the 25th ultimo, (which r 1louht not ~-ou hare eopiecl rre this) fully confirmed this <·onriction.- I tru::;t too it will c-01wince the public of the propriety of reeei\"ing with c:antion, lwreaftr1·, all remark!'; of the Columbus E111111irl'r which redate in an,· war to Col. Cl'llwell."- A u_gusla Chro11 iclt'. · · No. 79. EDlTOHIAL I~ THE COIX:\lBl"~ E~QrIHEH. LA:\1.-\lt I_Columlm:-: ~ ll<'or:.ria, •.\.ugu:;t ~ 1S~!fl In n. late nurnhrr of the Cherok<'<' Pho<'nix ,,·e 11otic·c<l the ·"Extnwr of a letter;'' whic·h the Editor of that pap<'r appear:-: to ha,·e c-opil:'tl from the .\u~u;:ta C-hn,nil'i<•. Thr h•ttl'l' j,. datrd ··.\tht•11:-:. ~\1rn·u;:r. :3rd. 182!1" :11i1l tontain~ n,- lo1r a111I mran a ,-la11dPr a~ai11,-r tlw "('11i111u- h11::: E11<1uirrr'' 11:-: 111n\i_!!11ity 1·1111ld i11rl'11t. Tiu· ,1Titl'r tn•at,- tlw l•:ili1 11 r of thi:-: p:qwr a~ 11w n11th11r "f th,, ,tah•nw11t f11l'1ii,-lll'd l1i111 I, _, - ( ·.,1. Hail 1 ,y in relatio11 to Crow,,I\':-: at11•11q,1 to 1 1 .\1·it1• alar111 011 tlH· l'r1111ri1·r: and rrpn•:-c•11ti11)! that ,._ta11•11w111 a:- fa\,.,. lw attril111H•:-: it,- raliril'ati1111 a,; krwwin.!! ai thr ,-;um· t111w that w1• pul,li:-IH•d it 11ot a:-: u111· nw11 Inn a:-: thi• pro1hwtio11 uf 0111• who had ol,1ai1H•d th" 1°;11·t:-: from C11I. C1·11wl'll him~i•lf. \\"lw11 th1• alarm wa$ lil':-t .!!iw11 i11 thi:-: pla<·t! :-:01111• .:.:·1•11tll'lllf"ll

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