· PREFACE VOLUMES V and VI of t!Je Lamar Pape1·s comprise the greater part of the docurne11ts omitted from the four volumes already printed. These documents, consisting chiefly of personal letters, historical notes r.ollectfd by Lamar, and articles written by him, have either a definite historic Yalue in themsehes, or a value complementary to and inter- pretath·e of documents found in other collections. Their omission from the printeu Yolumes of the Lamar Papers would destroy the in- tegrit_v of the collection, and would cause the omitted documents to become more or less isolated and withdrawn from further consideration. There are a few omissions of purely formal matter, such as notes of ha11tl, cleeds, diplomatic forms, and letters of transmittal; also of irn<·h papers as anonymous school-boy' essays, stereotyped letters of introduction and application, whole newspapers, printed pamplllets, collections of notes from easily accessible printed sources, documents printed el~cwhere, and fragments that seem to have no historic value whatever. For these the calendar notation has been deemed sufficient. Th<> editor's grateful acknowledgments are due to ::\[rs. l\lat.tie Austin Hat~her, ArchiYi°st, University of Texas, for helpful suggestions at eYery stage of the work; to Mrs. )largaret Kenney I~ress of the Spanish Department, and to )fr. Carlos E. Castaneda, Librarian, Latin- American Collection, of the :mrne institution, for assistance in trans- lating the Spanish; and to :Miss Ruth Wilson, a student assistant in the Texas State Library, for nid in• the tedious work of deciphering faded and mutilated documents. H.1mnET SMITHEu. TEXAS STATE LIBRARY, Ma.y 25, 19.127.
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