The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume V

P.\PEni; OF )fw.,111-:Ar BcoX.\P.\.TITr. L.nt.\rt


whose olijcd mu: to rec:-:tahli~h the anc:ient JI i~i<ions which had heen fo1111dt-d i11 I (i!III. i.i :::oldier:-; were !'-tationed at Nac:ogdochcs.- Vi 17 "nr~il ,·i:-itPd the ~li:-;~io11 or Our Lach· of Sorrows 16 leacrues from Xm'.~gd1whe:-. 111 )larch of ihe same Year he founded the Iris- :-ion of S. ~I igucl on the arroyo of the lnclim1:-: .Aclaiz or Adaises, 7 leagnt•:- \\'(':<t of the rin~r liojo, or Colorndo, or that of the Gadandachos or ol_' th<> J>alizacla.- Thi:- ,·<'r_,· ri\'er was d:-itccl h_Y the Father )fargil "e11 his playas occi- d,•nfalt•s, ., [ sic I order of l\larquiii de Valero, '·present ,·icero,r, in the plac:c where Natchitoches no\\' stands, enc:ounteri11g no opposition, for the French had not yet put in an appearance there." An order ar- ri\-cd also from the Vice Roy of 1[exic6, that new missions, villages nncl Presidios should be fournled and all subject to the go,·ernor of l\lonclover, Don :i\fartin Alarcon.- In this same rear l 717 was foundecl the ~I ission of S. Antonio de Valero, on the··western margin of the rirer Honclo or S. Antonio. 1718 They began to call Texas by the name of N uerns Filipinas "in honor· of Philip 5th King of Spain and of the Indies.'' "The go,·crnor of Coahuila and Texas, D. :Martin de Alarcon Yisited the bay of Espiritu Santo, the interior of the prorince of Texas, to the frontier of the rirnr Hetl or Colorndo &C, left in the mission of the A.dais and in the others some sohliers, and, as it appears from our Chronicle, the place which is now called Bejar, began to be an out- post, since they left there 50 soldiers with their captain." New Orleans was founded the same year 1718.- In the same year 1718 was removed by the :Mission of S. Francisco Solano, from the margin of the Rio grande to that of S. Antonio de Bejar or Hondo.- In 171.9 the french attacked the l\fission 7 leagues east of Natchi- toches, which spreading general alarm, the inhabitants of all the other mission fled to Bexar 200 leagues to the east- Same year 1719 was founded the presidio & mission "Espiritu Santo at the mouth of the Lavaca Rh·er, already cited."- The same year 17'19 l\Ir Virou French ascended the rfrer areas or Arkansas. 1720 the French founded Natches. 1720 l\f argil founded the i\iission San Jose on the river Santonio de Bexar 3 leagues distant from Bexar; and also that of Our Lady of Guadalupe "on the bay of E!'-piritu Santo which was then the Lavaca Ri,·er." 172-l- the ~pai1ish GoYernor Sandoval ancl the french commander at Natchitoches, without any order from their governments, fixed the limits of the two countries at the Arroyo Hondo 1727. Brigadier Pedro Rivera visited ·Texas and - 1-ee page 23 Heel Hi,·er i::; eallPcl the "ri,·er of the Palizado, or of the Cadnudachos, or Heel or Coloratlo-17J0 the french established a trnding house for the 1ndians 011 the Reel Riwr with few 1-oldier~.- li :lo the mis:;ion~ of :-inn Jose, Conception & Snn Francisco were c·hang-Pd & placed 011 the ri,·er :--nn Antonio.- 17-1-8 the missions of 8. Javier were foundNl on tllC' ri\'er he>nring the :::nme name and enter!- into thP Brnzos, \Yprc nl:::o founded the mis-

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