The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume V




Victoria Aprile the 8th 18:rn. D Sm, you will percei\'e By rcferance to the returns made from this County of the election of Sheriff that Dani. )lcDonald is declared uuly elected for two ·years from the :30th, day of ~lareh last, which election was evidantly ordered from a )Iisconstruction of the law upou that subject, as 1 am advised by Capt I!' S Uray, who sta11ds higher than any other man in this country for his cander & legal attainnH'nts, He advised me to address your Excellency upon this subject., & refer you to the State department for the date of :\[y Commission, as ~heff My Commission is dated ou the 5th day of .Feb_y 18:38. I deem it unnecessary to expose the manner, or feeliugs that Controulc<l that election but will rest the case to that just expol_sition] of the Law regulating the election of Shelfs that may be determined on b_y your Excellency I am with the Highest respect yours M:ALCOJ'II A. JOHNSTON I refer you to Genl Dunlap for my character (Addressed:] To His Excellency M. B. Lamar Houston [Endorsed:] Malcomb Johnston Victoria 8th. Apl 1839 Respecting the Sheriff atty &c

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New Orleans April 9th 1839

General l\frn.ABEAU LAMAR President of the Republic of Texas DEAR Sm,

I had the honor to write you a few words by l\fr. De Saligny Secretary to the French Embassy at Washington. Mr. De Saligny has retumed here and speaks in such terms of the kind reception which he has met with at your hands, that I fcl'I renewed confidence in introducing to your acquaintance ~Tonsieur Frederick Gaillardet an intimate friend of mine and a high character amongst the first ,Vl'iters of the modern litterature of France. ~fr Gaillardet goes to Texas in company of Mr. de Saligny. he will in all probability be much con- sulted by the latter about the report which he will have to send to his government on the object of his journey to Texas. believing a!" I do, that he will erentually hare great influence on the mind of :Mr. De Saligny, and considering that your ~rowing Republic might derive great advantage from their good disposition in its favour, I have made it a duty to put Mr. Gaillardet in immediate contact _with you _and to recommend him as a gentleman in all respects deservmg your kmd- ness and friendship. I ha,·e the honor to be, clear gent>ral your most obediencle Servant Sour,i, r Atldre!"H'cl :l His Excellency ~liraheau Lamar Pre~iclent of the Re- public of Tcxa~. [Endorsed: I X. Orleans. .:\pril 9th. 1839. Heccommending :Mr. Freclk Gailarcl('t with M. de Saligny

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