The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume V

P.u•1-:ns oF :\I IH.\BE.\l.'. BroX.\PAHTE LA~ur:.

of ~ue,·o Sa11tander: lw crossed the rh·cr Rmi:o or del Norlr., and nll tho:-e l'<'gions he <:allr•<I New Spain. J•'asti novi obri.,;." In 1.,~o C'apt. Lu<:as Vasquez de Allon entered the mouth of the ::\[issi:-::ippi, trnversC'd 'l'exai- with hi:-: troops, fought the indian:; & was killed in 152-L I.i28. l',i.nfilo de Narmer. came- In 15;37 Panfilo <lP Narrner. landed in ll'lorida-wa::: unfortunate; four men only suniYi11~, ,·ir. Alvaro ~unez Caber.a de Baca, Andres Doran- tes, Alonso del Castillo, & a negro called Stephen; These passed throug-11 Louisiana, Texas Coahula & arrived in city of :Mexic_o.- 15:W. :\larcos de ~isn went to New )[exico; traversed the regions towards the Mississiµpi- Similar expeditions followed. 1540 Capt Francisc-o Vasquez Camero, by order of the ViceTioy Dn. Antonio de Mendoza, entered California & traYersed N. Mexico, and advanced towards Texas. The French entered Florida 1562 It was Juan de Rivaud, frenchman, who first came to Augustine.- 1595 ,Juan de Onate, under order of the Govermt, entered N. )fexico with rnrious religious companions- Afterwards in time of Filipe 3rd entered to conquer this country, Dn. Diego Vargas Zapata, Mar- quis de Nava. Up to this time, (the expedition of Diego Vargas Zapata) the french had never entered the territory east of the Riogrande. 1611 the said Juan de Onate went to New ilexico, & thence to the Reel riYer; "ancl on this is founded the evident right of the Spanish over the lands to the east of N. ~fexico, besides the reasons given abo\'e, and I consider my dividing Jine between this cow1try and Louisiaua well place<l, as I have maintained from the beginning."- Jn 16:W Vice Roy l\Jarques de Cerralvo commissioned Hernando de Leon to make discoveries on the north Coast. He went to where Natchitoches now stands.- Until 1GH4 the French did not know anything of this region of country.- In 167.1 'Annepin, by accident, arrfrecl at the )lis::issippi.- "In 1G'i'3, the Jesuit father l\farquette left Canada, discovere1l Yarious riYers up to the Arkansas which is to the West of tbe Mississippi & empties into it."- '·On November 18, 1678. the Chevalier Robert de la Salle, ~orernor of Cana<la (in company with Father Annepin) obtained an order from the Court authorizing him to 1111dertake new explorations." "In 1 (i7!), the same Robert de la f;alle, in company with Father Anuepin, having left Ca11acla, visited the . ::\Iississippi to the :,;am(' degree rof latitude l mentioned,·e: they founded a fort,. which they named the Fal!s· of' St. Anthony: they explored the rn·cr of St. Francis to the west of ::aid river; and the first fort ('Stnhlishecl by thC' French on the Mississippi is the place now called Black falan<ls, the c·apital o[ which is 8aint Genevieve. 1 G82 La 8allc descended the )lississippi to its mouth, 2ncl Fehry- " [11 Hi85 this expedition c:ame to nou;.rht, losing~ ship:-: off the islnntl of Santo Domingo. Hoping to fill<l the ~Iississippi Hirer they hit

'The Spanish is salio, but evidentlr saltr, i>1 mel\nt. 'Lnmnr merely writes /Jf'I'-, e,·idently meaning pcrdit•mlosc.

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