The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume V

PAPERS OF l\IrnABF.AU BuoNAPARTE LAMAR 267 Ariy civilities you may have it in your power to practice towards him,. will be most gratefully recollected, by your most devoted & obliged humble servant. HENRY S. FOOTE [Acldressed :J His Excellencv Mirabeau B. La )lar President of Texas. City of Houston- · [Endorsed:] Henry S. Foote N. Orleans. March 30th. 1839 Rec- commenging [sic] Mr. Buckly &c. No. 1163. INVITATION TO SAN JACINTO BALL [Broadside]

"Merrily every bosom boundeth,

Merrily Oh! Merrily Oh! \Vherc the song of freedom soundeth, Merrily Oh! Merrily Oh!"

The pleasure of your company is solicited at a Ball to be given on Monday Evening, 22nd of April, at the New Hotel, in commemora- tion of the Battle of San Jacinto. MANAGERS: LEVI JONES, JNO. l\[. BOWYER, 1\Tl\[. HARDIN, OWEN D. JOHNSON, Hon. :MosELY B.\KER, Col. WM. S. FISHER, ~[ASA TURNER,



R. D. JOHNSON, OSCAR F AnISH, Galveston March, 1839. [Addressed :] Mrs. Jackson Houston

No. 1164. S. L. B. JASPER TO LAMAR

[Houston, Texas, March, 1839]

To His Excellency M. B. LAMAR- . Dn Sm-

If it is your pleasure to appoint a District attorney for the 2nd Judicial District, I would ask the favor to be considered as an applicant. Although your acquaintance with me or with my character may not be of a favorable nature because of my dissapation. Yet, I would, that you should consider, that their may have been a cause, and that, that cause may be removed- My experience as a practitioner together with my MQral character as is known in the States, as well as, to many here coupled with my extensive poverty, are the only claims I have to apply for the appoint- ment. I refer you to J. C Watrous, P Jack Wm jnck & John Scott.- S. L. B. JASPER f Addressed:] To His Excellency l\f. B. Ln.mur- [Endorsed :] S L B Jasper Houston Mch 1839 Application

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