The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume V


'l'EXAS ST,\TE Ln11t.\l:Y

[ Addressed :] To His Excellency :M. B. Lnmar President of the Re- public of Texas [Endorsed: l Wm. ?llcCraven Houston 25th. l\lch 1839 Application in favor of John R Reid- No. 1150. JOHN :\I. \Yll !TE AND O'l'l·IERS TO JAMES KERR Texana, )larch 25th 183!) To the Hon JAMES KEHR Sm we the w1dersigned citizens of your County wish to know what disposition was made of a recommendation recommending Elijah Stapp Esq as heeing a Suitable man to fill the office of Chief Justice of Jack- son County which was supposed to be vacant, by the resignation of the Hon Patrick Usher which vacancy now occurs and we wish you to present it or cause it to be presented to his Excellency the President of the Republic of Texas for his consideration and action as we enter- tain the same high opinion of .Mr Stapp as wc ever did Yours respectfully JOHN 1\1 WHITE RUSSELL WARD JOHN ANDREWS (J H l\IclNTYR 22 1\Ich) No. 1151. JAl\IES KERH TO JOHN M. WHITE AND OTHERS Texana 25th :March 1839- GE.NTL. In answer to yotir enquiries- the recommendation of the Citizens of Jackson County in favor of E. Stapp- to be Chief Justice of Said County- in case of Vacancy, was filed with His Excellency the president during the Session of Congress- Your Obt Sevt- J AMES KEirn · To- JOHN ?If WHITE ) RussEL WAnD ) Present JOIIN ANDllEWS Esqrs ) [Addressed :l To/ His Excellency 1\I B Lamar President of the Re- public of Texas [Endorsed:] Hon J as. Kerr Texana 25 l\fch 1839 Recommending E Trapp_as Chief Justice &c No. 1159. HENRY STUART FOOTE TO LAMAR New Orleans, :March 30th 1839. To his Excellency l\I II!ABEA u B. LA MAU, President of the Republic of Texas. · Ho?rnmm Sm: Permit me to hare the honor of introduc-iug to your acquaintance, my friend ~Ir Buckley, of )lis,;i:-:,;ippi. I pled_ge myself he is a gentle- man, in the most extensive and farnmble srnse of the term; he is a br1t\'e, <"hirnlrous, intelligl'nt, r11terprir.i11g man; and will prove a val- uable H<'(Jlli~ition to Texas. T rnuc·h for him in everything, and I assure you, you will not be cli:-:appointrcl in him.


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