The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume V

PAPEns OF :;\I111Ai1EAU BuoNAP.\IlTE L.urA1t


No. 1147. R. G. DUNLAP TO LAl\[AR

On Board the Zavalla

)larch 24th 1839

)I\- DEAR Sm This will he handed to vou bv )Ir. 'rodd- .

[mutilated] to Ilo11ston n11 aeeount of his pri/11te 1rn1tters. As you.may not have had the s1une opportunity to form a proper estimate of :Mr Todd's char- acter, as has fallen to my lot, it gives me pleasure to bear some testi- monv in his farnr. I co~si<ler thi::: due to him, and to be what _you have e,·er allow'd to any one. 1\Ir. Toclcl has seen service in the )lexici111 na,·y under Com- modore Porter a11d afterwards in the United States ua\'y. lie is well informed on general matters, an<l is in my opinion a· gentleman of worth and character, and every way entitled to your Consideration. He will be an honor to the 111n·y, an<l usefull to the Hepuhlic. I am Respfully yr frcl. R. G. DUNLAP f Addressed:] Gen! )f. B. Lamar Houston Texas. :\Ir Todd. rEil(lorsed :] R. G. Dunlap St Bt Zavala 25 Mch 1839- Introduc- tion of :.Mr. Todd No. 114-9. WILLIAl\I :i\IcCRAVEN TO LA~[AR Houston 25th March DEAR Gmrnn,u. Understanding that a new appointment is about to be made to fill the office of district attorney 1 hope you will pardon me for submit- ting to your respectful consideration the name of my friend J. R. Heid Esqr-.\ gentleman whom I have long kno,vn- whose moral character is unexceptionable nnd who::e tnlents nnd legal attainments will clo credit to the office- If you should think proper to confer on him this nppointment l am sure you will not find occasion to regret it-but mav with confidence reckon on his warm and sincere support iu all the measures which you undertake for the public good- His qualifications for the office I think undoubted and in addition to these he is one of vour most nrdent ndmirers and warmest friends- And tho I am full:i• aware that you possess too high a sense of public duty to appoin't: 1111y man to office solely because he is your friend- Yet where the necessary amount of tnlents morn! reputation anrl profes- sionnl abilities are supera,l<led the c-lnims of such a mnn wouhl he greater than those of one whose position towards you personnlly was either inimical indi ffereut or equirnral- l would 11ot howe,·er be understood ns urging t.he rlnims of my friend on any other ground than his capability io dis<:l1nrge the tluties of the> office- I hopt• you will gi,·e> the ~ubject clue consiclNntion nnd whether the re::nlt be as I clesire or otherwis<' I shall still hr ::atisfied that you ha\'c h,•1\n a!!- tlrnted alone lJ_v n wish to clo the he::t for the puhlie ·wen!. I remain with ,1ue respect Your Sinren' friC'nd

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