The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume V




[Post Galveston? Texas .March 11, 1839]


President of the Republic of Texas Circumstances of an imperious nature invites my immediate ntt,m- tion to my native state. I am aware that Texas has foreign purposes to subser,e in that direction immediately connected with the service to which I have the honor to belong and if it can be gratifyi11~ to your Excellency, and that I be permitted to visit the U States on recruiting duty. It will be an infinite Kindness to my necessities, an,1 the self promised assiduity to my Country's interests abroa(l tells me that the confidence which I ask for will be promptly appreciated in a good report on my hurried return to my leniat L ?] duties here I have the Honor to be Your Obt Svt WM D REDD Capt Comd Post Galveston

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[Addressed:] To His Excellency M B Lamar [Endorsed:] Capt W D Redd 11th. March 1839

Application for



New Orleans March 11th 1839-

President LAMAR MY DR Srn-

Unavoidable detention at Velasco and a long passage home must prove my apology for not writing to you as soon as either of us wished-I am now in New Orleans after a few days stay with my family, and hasten to give you the result of an interview with them. On reaching home I found that Mrs Smith had been [ill] during the winter, and was still quite the imalid. In fact she has had several attacks of partial paralysis, is now under the care of two physicians, who have despaired of benefiting her materially by the use of medicine, and deem it absolutely necessary that she should go to the Springs, or to some sea bathing place- Her 8-ifoation, therefore, will not allow me to hesitate as to the course I must pursue. Independant of the feelings arising from the cause of this disappointment, my regret is indeed great in thus having to forego the pleasure and honor of being associated with JOU as was contemplated. Permit me, however, to as- sure you that your friendly invitation to myself and Lady to become a part of your family circle, and the compliment paid me b_y your willingness to appoint me Surgeon General are events in my humble history to which I shall e\'er look back with pride and gratitude. For these manifestations of your kindness and good opinion I fenr I !,hall have it in my power to make but a poor return; yet, where,·er I may he located in 'l'exas, it shall be my pleasure m1<l duty to uphold to the extent of my ability an administration, which has for its head on_e, _I consciencioush· belie\·e to be actuated by the purest and most patnot1c moti,·es, and ·to be alone ambitious of connecting his name with tl)e adrnnce of free institutions, and the Success and glory of a Republic of Texas- To the cxprc:,sion of my o,rn high regard nncl grateful feelings for

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