possible on my arriYal in Texas ns without this employment too many who go into a New and distant country are apt to become discouraged and disheartened and are but too often led to dissipation. 1t is highly important that all who go into 'l'exas h1\'i11g in dew a permanent resi- dence should not depart disaffected towards that country or its gov- er11me11L The effect of one disaffected individual on hi:; return home on the minds and feelings of his friends and neighbors would require the exertion of many to do n way. Will You Sir, do me the favr. to adress me what is or will be done in the Surveying of the Government lands and if an Extensive Contmct can be entered into with Your Government at this time for surveying and at what price for su~vcy- ing. Pray Sir, what is the l·rue Situation of the many large grants of land in Texas made by the l\fexican government some years ago to in- dividuals and companies on condition of Settlement are not i-ome of these [illegible·! Who's Titles to those g!'lmts will be valid or confirmed by the [Texan] government and who would be glad to Employ n competant SurYCyor and an efficient agent for those grants. Should encouragement be offered to me as n practical experianced sur- veyor and drafts Man I would at once visit Texas fully prepared to take the woods for any number ·of Months with Knapsack and blanket and I could bring with me efficient a.ctive young men well fit for the woods and in all respects in n capacity as would render myself useful to the Republick. I am told that liberal Encouragement is now offered in Texas to Surveyors. I am persuaded that my Experiance would en- able me to render myself highly useful and would. do much in the settle- ment of the country- Presumeing much on your Kindly feeling so prevalent in the Southern gentlemen a South Carolinian gives me reason to hope that you will Sir, permit me to beg the favor of you as soon as convenient, that you will have the goodness and ach-ise me upon this subject giving me such gen- eral information as you Sir may deem important in the premises. My last New York paper say "Judge Woodward has returned from Texas and states the country to he in sound and safe progress. He refers in high terms to President Lamar and his administration as able and <>ffi- cient and the policy of the government as sufficiently military to meet the position of the country and effectually quiet the Indian frontier in the spring." I am Sir, very respectfully, Yr Ohclt Servt. RICHARD R. THARP. [Addressed:] His Excellency l\rarabeau B. Lamar President Texas Republick Huston. Texas. [Endorsed :·I 1\I. R. Tharps N York :'.\Tch 1839 No. 1116. BURCHARD :MILLER TO LAMAR Houston 8th :March 1839. 'fo His Excellency the President of the Republic of Texas. Sm, Although not ha,·ing the honor of heing per?m1ally_ kno_wn to your Excellency, I, take the liberty to trouble yon ,nth n icw )me::: upon a sul,je<:t of high i_mportnnce to me.
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